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IDIOTS ON 2roomz

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New Member
Yea this thread is to either get these kind of people banned in some way, or for you, Wooty, to ban grenades on 2roomz:mad:

Guys name was nathan and he was flash gren spamming, uhh some other guy on there was HE gren spamming but i dont think you care about that.
yea i know it just kills the map. i mean the fun thats left of the map cause i really dont like it.
that map is anything but fun, and the only map worser than that one is the other variant which is like 2roomz_m or something...
ok, on 2roomz today there was another ****ing idiot. Name: root [music]
God I cant tell you how badly this guy wants to be banned. Lets see, first he gets the whole server pissed at him for spamming nades, H.E. at first then Flash . then he starts spamming all the gay insults like "im going to pray to buddah to kill me so i can be reincarnated to be as cool as you" something stupid like that. Then on the next map, its a knife only, he is last to live so he hooks everywhere up down left and right so no one can kill him for 5 minutes each time, wasting everyones time. At that map he then starts making fun of other players, including myself, and being really racist i might add. He then turned on you double because we were trying to get you to come ban him. He was not hacking however people like this should be killed... the whole WBS clan witnessed it with a couple other veterans of the server, like muffin. Ask anyone there this guy should have been banned. I didnt get video of it but i think someone else did. someone got the Steam ID of him i know and will be posting on here soon. So if video wasnt captured PLEASE take our words for it. this guy needs to be banned. permanently.
oh theres definately support. he uh changed his name as he was pissing people off to -[WBS]- ******s which is probably blurred but what it really is sreggin backwards.
First off...Root was spamming nades.
Second off...I do not recall him typing anything.
Third off...He was correct about WBS. They blow ass.
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