Recent content by 1Creator34

  1. 1Creator34

    The place where the poop I find on YouTube goes

    This is gonna make me puke. :sick:
  2. 1Creator34

    LTS Town: Ascension

    Hi, I'm Creator, I found Team9000 almost a year ago through classic and since then have made many friends, spent more than half the year playing Minecraft (classic, creative, survival). I have also been introduced to a number of other games through T9k and have had a lot of fun with them. I'm...
  3. 1Creator34

    Creator's Application

    1. In-Game Name: 1Creator34 2. Why do you want to join?: Because I enjoy building and gathering materials with friends from T9k. 3. If you're new to Team9000, how did you find us?: I found Team9000 through classic. 4. T9K Friends on Minecraft: A lot of the more active Minecraft players. 5. Have...
  4. 1Creator34

    HSTF's Application

    I've known HSTF in real life for a long time and he is trustworthy.
  5. 1Creator34

    Team Fortress 2 Trade Thread

    So I just recently realized that the Team Captain I payed 5 ref for a while ago is actually uncraftable I don't know how I didn't realize this earlier. :facepalm:
  6. 1Creator34

    Top 10 favourite Games... OF ALL TIME.

    No order: •Infamous 2 •Need for Speed: Hot Pursuit •Super Smash Bros. Brawl •Team Fortress 2 •Minecraft •Mario Cart
  7. 1Creator34

    Team Fortress 2 Trade Thread

    Got my first Earbuds! :D
  8. 1Creator34

    Desktop Time!

    Keeping it simple for now.
  9. 1Creator34

    Movie Scene Showing how Teens are Consumed by Technology

    Thanks oozi this should be perfect for my project. :thumbsup:
  10. 1Creator34

    Movie Scene Showing how Teens are Consumed by Technology

    This might work, but something fictional would be better.
  11. 1Creator34

    Movie Scene Showing how Teens are Consumed by Technology

    So I need a scene, like 1-3 minutes long, showing a teen that is consumed by technology. The technology could a cell phone, video games, or a computer where they are too distracted by their technology to pay attention to other people or more important things. I was thinking maybe a scene from...
  12. 1Creator34

    Team Fortress 2 Trade Thread

    I have some Naughty Crates, too.
  13. 1Creator34

    The Cutest Thread On Earth.

    Here is my other dog. His name is Kelso.