Recent content by Alimber

  1. Alimber

    Team9000 Stream Revival

    Team9000 Stream?! HYPE
  2. Alimber

    Been fairly busy as of late, trying to sort out several things in my life. Changing schools...

    Been fairly busy as of late, trying to sort out several things in my life. Changing schools, figuring out what I want to do, etc... You can find me on LoL most of the time since that's where I spend most of my gaming time now :)
  3. Alimber

    League of Legends Thread

    Lucian has been on the PBE for quite some time now. I highly recommend signing up and downloading the PBE so you can test him and any new champions before they go live. Also it sounds like Lucian will be kept on the PBE until at least patch 3.11. Source...
  4. Alimber

    Everyone is still active.

    I'm here rarely
  5. Alimber

    T9K Official Game Nights Info Thread!

    I would definitely be interested in those Wednesday night game nights, specifically AoE2 and LoL.
  6. Alimber

    T9K Official Game Nights Info Thread!

    Get ready for some fierce competition :D
  7. Alimber

    League of Legends Thread

    I play all roles pretty comfortably, but i'll list my best 4-5 champs in each lane. Top: Nasus (jungle or top), Khazix(mid or top), Zed (mid or top), Riven, Akali (mid or top) Jungle: Lee Singah, Hecarim, Nautilus, Skarner Mid: Lux, Ryze, TF, Kat ADC: Graves, Draven, Kog, Ashe Support...
  8. Alimber


  9. Alimber

    League of Legends Thread

    Lovin' dat farm
  10. Alimber

    League of Legends Thread

    Add me. Always looking for someone to play with when my team is busy.
  11. Alimber

    Anyone else play Pokemon?

  12. Alimber

    League of Legends Thread

    Just carrying every single game I'm in... >.>
  13. Alimber

    League of Legends Thread

    Played Karthus jungle and went 17-10-10. That was pretty fun.
  14. Alimber

    League of Legends Thread

    Username: Alimber Champions Owned: A lot Roles Preferred: AP mid, AD carry, Jungler Preferred Map/Arrangements: Summoners Rift - 5v5 I main Veigar, Ahri, Ryze, Sivir, Ezreal, Twisted Fate (AP), Maokai, Skarner
  15. Alimber

    2012 Team 9000 PAX EAST Check in. Who's going?

    Going for sure now, successfully reserved my seat on a shuttle from ERAU to PHX at 02:00.... Will be arriving in Boston at 17:53 :D