Recent content by Aramat

  1. Aramat

    Killing ZOMBIES!! =D

    SPOILER ALERT! Watch this video haha I circled and killed the zombies for a while, but I knew once I started recording I would die, and guess what happened haha. It does not officially start for about 3 or 4 minutes so you can skip ahead a bit. Also very sorry for horrible quality of video...
  2. Aramat


    Weeeeoooowww! =D I iz a happy Aramat again... =( still hate the situation and what happened, but extremely glad you are not going to be leaving bud... <3 your way haha There, that should be enough posts to reach my quota for the next few months? xp
  3. Aramat

    Please Unban my IP

    Also, if you guys really want to get a hold of me for reasons such as this then send a message Briggs' way since he checks on much more often and can tell me irl.
  4. Aramat

    Please Unban my IP

    Extremely sorry for my absence in the last week or so, have been job hunting and that has taken up a lot of my free time out that I get outside of my studies. Once again I am very sorry =( feel horrible since I checked for appeals perhaps the day before I was messaged about this.... that and...
  5. Aramat


    Ya borderlands is an amazing game for sure even though it is a bit old now, 8.7/10 from me. Definitely a worthwhile purchase!
  6. Aramat

    hello briggs and aramat and rest of tk9

    Wooo!! :) glad to have you here tank, been to long =)
  7. Aramat

    wanna keep more than just oxytown?

    Aww that stinks... Briggs, Frescodude, and I established a very nice area =( Sad to see it go and now I am not motivated to work on it anymore...
  8. Aramat


    Aye that is the main reason I use this name everywhere, never to forget some great memories and just because it sounds like an epic name hahaha but my name stems a little further than that. In an online strategy game I had to choose a name for my first city, in which in my mind I randomly came...
  9. Aramat

    Build it and they will come...

    Check the grammar broski, that sir was a double negative... so was it nice or not?!?
  10. Aramat

    Build it and they will come...

  11. Aramat

    Heya =D

    Haha exactly, and I am one of those skilled that ALWAYS kills with him, just ask briggs =p and all others that have fallen to his uberness
  12. Aramat

    Heya =D

    Lucas all the way!! <3 haha
  13. Aramat

    FireGrey (Guest -> Cool)

    In order for the thread to even count toward a promotion on the T9K server, the builds must be on it and not on another server or in survival.
  14. Aramat


    In order for the builds to count towards a promotion on T9K, they must be on the T9K server. So any other build on the other servers will not matter here.