Recent content by AtlasZeth

  1. AtlasZeth

    The Wonders of Disney Animation

    When I was little, really little, I watched Hercules so much that the VHS tape kinda stopped working. I just watched it again for the first time a couple of weeks ago, and it was amazing. But really, I love pretty much all of these.
  2. AtlasZeth

    Songs that stuck to your head...literally

    Been watching through every episode of Mystery Science Theater 3000, so....
  3. AtlasZeth

    I feel I should post something here. Preferably something about pancakes. Ah well, this will do.

    I feel I should post something here. Preferably something about pancakes. Ah well, this will do.
  4. AtlasZeth

    first game you loved

    Yes. Yes I am.
  5. AtlasZeth

    first game you loved

    This. This right here. Played it so much when I was younger, must've beaten both it and Fable:TLC twice each. Probably more.
  6. AtlasZeth

    April Fools Day Thread. What are you going to do?

    I have a forum that me and my friends hang out on. Some of them, such as Beese, enjoy spamming the word 'PENGUINS' repeatedly in the chat. So, for April fools day, I changed everything in the forum to penguins. Everything.
  7. AtlasZeth

    Good day, Gentlemen

    Hooray for people! Mostly you guys, but still. People in general. Woo.
  8. AtlasZeth

    Good day, Gentlemen

    Huzzah! My incredibly convoluted plan is starting to come together. Now I just need a Rabbi... and a goat. But where to get them at this time of day.
  9. AtlasZeth

    Good day, Gentlemen

    I think you should. And then we could do the sexy things.
  10. AtlasZeth

    Good day, Gentlemen

    The library, man! Get you here!
  11. AtlasZeth

    Good day, Gentlemen

    Well then why aren't you eating me /right now/? Oh well, it's the though that counts, I guess.
  12. AtlasZeth

    Good day, Gentlemen

    I greet you all. It seems that this forum has some rather interesting residents, though I had already assumed as much from my experiences with Beese and Vorsprung. I will attempt to be as delicious as possible during my stay here.
  13. AtlasZeth

    RIP Edd Gould (1988-2012)

    Already, I have seen trolls descending on this. Such a shame, but that's the Internet for you. It is a real shame though, especially to see someone so young and talented to die. We'll all miss your awesome animations.
  14. AtlasZeth

    Would you rather!?!

    B) Oh man, I have a whole book of these at home somewhere. I need to find it when I get home. Would you rather: A) Always smell faintly of lemon or B) Have the ability to see through solid lead?
  15. AtlasZeth

    Good day, Gentlemen

    Fantastic, fantastic... Well you all seem entertaining people. Even Beese, despite his failed attempts at thread derailment. Silly Beese.