Recent content by Bboy124

  1. Bboy124

    Bboy124 cool --> builder

    Status Update- Next build project will be a large chess/checker board :D
  2. Bboy124

    Now I'm going to build a giant chess/checker board....

    Now I'm going to build a giant chess/checker board....
  3. Bboy124

    surlistyc - Guest --> Cool

    Oh ok, I'm sorry, just wanted to give some people some feedback :D. Hmm... i wonder why i thought it wasnt the team9k server. thats weird. anyways, i will leave it to you guys ;)
  4. Bboy124

    Whew, done w/Ipad2... what should i build now???

    Whew, done w/Ipad2... what should i build now???
  5. Bboy124

    surlistyc - Guest --> Cool

    surlistyc, you can only be promoted by building on the team9k classic server itself, none other. Remember, have some more larger, epic builds and have fun!
  6. Bboy124

    joeschmoe86 Guest -> Cool

    Oh yeah... i seen ur build as i was "flying" by, it was so magnificent. Very, very nice build! Keep up the fantastic work, and don't forget to keep on building and have fun.
  7. Bboy124

    Bboy124 cool --> builder

    FINALLY- completion of ipad 2 (64 GB version no 3g service...)! took quite a while... some things are fail like the back of the ipad2... sorry. i dont have spritecraft yet... anyways heres the pics! enjoy ;)
  8. Bboy124

    Bboy124 cool --> builder

    OK, thanks!
  9. Bboy124

    Bboy124 cool --> builder

    Halfway done with Ipad 2 build project... should finish within 3 days...
  10. Bboy124

    Koodles (guest -> cool) again >.<

    Koodles, just some advice, but try and build larger, more epic builds.
  11. Bboy124

    33 hours guys! Awesome! Now i have my sign complete, i will begin constructing a giant Ipad 2!

    33 hours guys! Awesome! Now i have my sign complete, i will begin constructing a giant Ipad 2!
  12. Bboy124

    Cdog101pwn Guest --> Cool

    Cdog, if you are having any difficulties uploading pics of your builds, install the WOM client, it will make uploading your builds much easier and faster. Have fun ;)
  13. Bboy124

    Riota (Guest-> Cool)

    Lol, good point :)
  14. Bboy124

    Riota (Guest-> Cool)

    entertainment room and lounge type of thing inside a nazi zombie?! :eek: Builds are looking good though ;)
  15. Bboy124

    Bboy124 cool --> builder

    Sneak peak- Next build will be a absolutely huge, huge Ipad 2. Measurements are about 27x27x(did not decide on how high it will be). This project, i think, will take a long time for me to complete and it will take several hours...