Recent content by Corrupttt

  1. Corrupttt


    I finally got around to making something yesterday and finished it up today. This is actually one of the few times I have ever made a boat. :c I think it looks horrid, but meh.
  2. Corrupttt


    I went ahead and added a few things to the upstairs part of the mansion thingy. :c Added all the bookshelves and the giant C in lava.
  3. Corrupttt

    Computer Security

    I use MSE and haven't had a problem yet. Just never get Norton. Useless program that derps with stuff half the time x_x Had it before and it fucked everything up. :c Maybe it's just me but a lot of people I know don't like it.
  4. Corrupttt


    Also, I just realized a few minutes ago that I have already made a rank thread like this one :c I forgot all about in since a made it about a year and a half ago and just started playing again :x I'll post what I made on there on this thread. (Would be glad if someone could delete the old one)
  5. Corrupttt


    Another build that I made :c I kind of screwed up on it, So I added stuff as I went. Decided to go ahead and upload it :p
  6. Corrupttt


    Well. I have recently started building here again :p Heres my first project that I finished today.
  7. Corrupttt


    Raaawwwrrr >:c kso, Just threw up a Buttah castle O:! Mainly to just get this thread goin for more stuff Ima get to posting once built :3
  8. Corrupttt


    Heres another tower that i did o.o put a little more creativity into it and added some glass rows ;-; Also made it bigger than the other one as you can see.
  9. Corrupttt


    Havent been on here in some time. But i came back today and threw this together. xD Not really much, but should inch me closer to finally getting Cool rank D:
  10. Corrupttt


    added the middle layer. with that mossy brick stuff. then made a Hangar thingy at the top with a poorly made airplane thingy xD
  11. Corrupttt

    League of Legends

    Ahem. League Of Legends Ftw. o.o Awesome. Love it <3
  12. Corrupttt


    Just a Giant gold and silver gouse i threw together. Even took the time to make a weird zig zag design.
  13. Corrupttt


    Nice. Alotta creepers being made xD I just made one a little bit ago.
  14. Corrupttt

    IRL PICS! (if you want to)

    Woo :D just joined and already in a club O:!
  15. Corrupttt

    IRL PICS! (if you want to)

    Here's me o.o new to the site :p Pic is from about 5 min ago o.o