Recent content by dark_light22

  1. dark_light22

    time to go...

    heyy guys, i keep coming on here and seeing this group of threads for the t9k survival and im like this is just clogging up the feeds... i do not know if it will happen but im sorry i recon this group of threads should go as their is no more survival and can have room for more stuff to happen...
  2. dark_light22

    Guest 666 Thread.

    hopefully it is not untill i get back from holiday which will be saturday as i was the one for the idea of the party world and if it happens the party world i would like to make sure everything in it is happening properly not got any trolls building random shite just people building party stuff
  3. dark_light22

    Guest 666 Thread.

    i agree great idea would be brilliant if it happened their should also be a party world so when its happens geust could go out with a bang and the minecrafters could go out partying
  4. dark_light22


    looking good ;), try to be more open with the build add more detail like with the ship make a captains cabin, bits like that would really help improve your chances ;)
  5. dark_light22


    please set prefix of what you are aiming for geust to cool or cool to builder
  6. dark_light22

    good good :)

    good good :)
  7. dark_light22

    so it was :) no i feel like a right pleb :/

    so it was :) no i feel like a right pleb :/
  8. dark_light22

    ahh, i need get it but cant find link no more :/

    ahh, i need get it but cant find link no more :/
  9. dark_light22

    i know right :D you still on mumble these days?

    i know right :D you still on mumble these days?
  10. dark_light22

    not had computer for ages brah, but dw got beast of one now ;)

    not had computer for ages brah, but dw got beast of one now ;)
  11. dark_light22

    Csi's Hexxit server.

    heyy csi, when i try and join it says that i need different mods to use it?
  12. dark_light22


    And if you don't like the Dev launcher use mcversionchanger can get server files or mc .jar file for client, but it is buggy meaning sometimes it won't acctuql get the files, in that case just restart it. I don't know URL off top of my head but its in the top 10 on google search Hope I helped :)
  13. dark_light22

    T9K Whitelist Application

    heyy, i did recomend the server to my friend darth, he is a good guy a recording partner with me, i have been on lts quite abit now and i can tell you, you can trust darth24 he is a good guy
  14. dark_light22

    server outdated or is it just me?

    that never work, i rebooted my laptop as i updated my java and that seemed to work so must of been a java error or summin