Recent content by fullmetal297

  1. fullmetal297

    Appealing My Mumble Ban

    About a couple of months ago, I was banned from mumble for "trolling too much" because apparently nobody believed the stories I told about my life and woot was getting mad. While I do admit to trolling a good deal, I wasn't lying about the stories pertaining to my life and realize that some...
  2. fullmetal297

    I got banned from Mumble =((

    Well whatever the reason maybe just wanna say I had fun and met of the nicest people. If you think I'm trolling and making stories about my life then fine by me but my memories are real and the consequences of the decisions people to me have permanent consequences.
  3. fullmetal297

    I got banned from Mumble =((

    So the reason is..... ?
  4. fullmetal297

    I got banned from Mumble =((

    I dunno why and how to appeal. T_T
  5. fullmetal297

    Contest 021: I ???? Minecraft!

    I like mine craft because its fun, free, and can be played on the browser.
  6. fullmetal297

    Contest 009: @_@

  7. fullmetal297

    Contest 008: Blurry Vision

    The Nintendo Anti-lawsuit Mod: Summon any lawyer of your choice onto field when blur hit intentional sales of 30 million.
  8. fullmetal297

    Contest 007: WANG SAUSAGE

    Avatar: the last sausage bender