Recent content by nihsome

  1. nihsome


  2. nihsome


  3. nihsome

    i wonder how?

    Hi, I wus Perma banned and the reason says i griefed bowser, but i don't recall anything. I won't grief Bowser, cus he's an amazing sprite. So, please tell me the reason y i wus permabanned. Sincerely, nihsome :doy:
  4. nihsome

    Funny MineCraft Moments

    sorry...... my bad....... i just lulzed when anish said "best grammar ever".
  5. nihsome

    proto!!! pakopya na ng beta!

    proto!!! pakopya na ng beta!
  6. nihsome

    Thepunkass and TwistedWicked's Wedding

    you got my job wrong...... i was pretending to be jesus.. :D
  7. nihsome

    Demoted.... Anyways, Guest-->Cool

    Deathshroom Ghost
  8. nihsome

    Demoted.... Anyways, Guest-->Cool

    Mario in Frog Suit Yoshi Coin Bender
  9. nihsome

    Cool ---> Builder :D

    i wus demoted from cool to guest.:facepalm: will this thread be closed?? hope it will not :foreveralone:
  10. nihsome

    Funny MineCraft Moments

    temp_hash=aa4d3e4d2e933bc93e6713c79971de85 :trollface:
  11. nihsome

    Cool ---> Builder :D

    Stewie Griffin
  12. nihsome

    Cool ---> Builder :D

    Homer Simpson Sprite
  13. nihsome

    Cool ---> Builder :D

    Skeleton Fin from Adventure Time
  14. nihsome

    Cool ---> Builder :D

    Thnks ConroD