Recent content by thatwindmill

  1. thatwindmill

    Funnyman0 promotion guest -> Builder

    one thing that might help is going to go for cool not builder. try building bigger and 3d buildings.
  2. thatwindmill

    thatwindmill Cool-> Builder

    some builds i got in on guest worlds. before i realized that they suck.
  3. thatwindmill

    MetroidJunkie Cool -> Builder

    u should really stick with sprites your are ver very good at them :mays:
  4. thatwindmill

    Mini Cacti Guest ---> cool, random sunflower

    try finding something big and make it. that is what i did for my promotion
  5. thatwindmill

    thatwindmill Cool-> Builder

    had some help with lava but did everything else
  6. thatwindmill

    thatwindmill Guest -> Cool

    some more builds
  7. thatwindmill

    Minecraft server not showing up.

    recently i go to look and i do not see this server anywhere. I am wondering is it private or just sometimes not show up.
  8. thatwindmill

    thatwindmill Guest-> Cool

    Sun with shades
  9. thatwindmill

    thatwindmill Guest-> Cool

    Bloody soldier man
  10. thatwindmill

    promotion - guest to cool

    yeah you are a beast as i told you before.
  11. thatwindmill

    thatwindmill Guest -> Cool

  12. thatwindmill

    thatwindmill Guest -> Cool

    had another but i can not get on world 197