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  1. bentamagne

    The beginning of a blog (or something or other)

    Well then, I finally got bored enough to blog :P I'm not promising that there will be more blogging by me after this (but I hope so) So i haven't been on the server for a while now (roundabout a month), but that will soon end! The reason I have been off is because all my bandwidth was running...
  2. bentamagne


    Hey, so I started a Leonidus sprite in guest300 and it's not finished. I need to watch my bandwidth for a week or so cause I've been playing MC so much (wonder how that happened? :cautious: :p ). As a result i will not be on in the next week and by that time guest 300 would be long gone. So, as...
  3. bentamagne

    connection troubles

    Ok so, when i tried to log into the t9k classic server with WoM today, it gave me an error. WoM must be working fine because it started connecting to the server. Apparently it "could not verify player name". i checked and my username and password are correct when i tried to sign in. I was...
  4. bentamagne

    bentamagne cool -> builder

    you might recognize gohdan if you've ever played zelda the windwaker ----^ lately i've been experimenting with builds in the 3rd dimensional form
  5. bentamagne

    bentamagne promo problems

    I joined the t9k server a week or two ago and applied for a promotion but didn't receive a final response. I posted several impressive builds to it, got a few responses but nothing final about promoting me. I tried making another thread but then i was informed that it was considered a duplicate...
  6. bentamagne

    bentamagne guest -> cool

    these were posted in a previous thread but apparently it wasn't being noticed... here's a parthenon recreation: a deadmau5 poster: a wii remote: a geometrical sculpture: and a 50x50 (approx.) wobbufet sprite: sorry they're not all the same size photos but they should be good enough