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  1. Juhozki

    Tower Garden

    I guess the tower got archived or something since I didn't see it anywhere, or the map got restarted. At any rate, I was about half done with this.. ..Then a player called "mgrunf" offered some help and we finished this project together. It's on the guest map 312.
  2. Juhozki

    Tower Garden

    Felt like building something, so fired up the WoM client, joined Team 9000 server and stuff happened. Pix. (Guest map) Not looking for promotions or anything since I play Minecraft pretty much once in a year.. Random thing from 2010. Oh, the memories. Better get some sleep I guess...
  3. Juhozki

    Minecraft Guest Promotions

    Nothing too flashy, but it did take some time. It's in the first guest map if someone wants to take a closer look. Probably GREEF'd to oblivion by now. Who knows.
  4. Juhozki

    Y hola thar

    So i was playing Meinkraft and now i'm here. It's weird how one thing leads to another..