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  1. Deidara420


    well they said to post all my works on the same thread xD but i'll probably app for higher rank when this will be finish :P
  2. Deidara420


    A bit more to go and the inside is done :)
  3. Deidara420


    And an other 2 hours or more of work hahaha this will probably be done for the weekend ^^
  4. Deidara420


    Im now at 6 hours of work :) it start to look great hahaha
  5. Deidara420


    Here is an other screenshot after an other 2hour of work :P Measure are taken ... now the REAL work starts hahahaha these outside line gonna take forever hahahaha *i would like to make more seat but the sky is not high enough so i have to deal with this :P
  6. Deidara420


    I've found some place to build my stadium :) Here's a first look at around 2 hours of work :P take forever to make it hahahaha
  7. Deidara420


    I want to make a huge football stadium .. around 255X100 and around 60blocks height but i cant find anyplace to build it hahahaha
  8. Deidara420


    Thats what im planimg to do :p this server runs great so i'll be there everyday or when i can hahaha but i'll get my 10 hours tonight probably :)
  9. Deidara420


    Here is my build ^^ Took around 2 hours to make it :P And btw the sky was not high enough so my 2 water tower are not complete hahaha
  10. Deidara420

    My japenese temple ^^

    well i cant cus they reset the map hahaha
  11. Deidara420

    My japenese temple ^^
