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  1. RoboZebra

    youtube q/a

    Question 1: What are we suppose to ask questions about?
  2. RoboZebra

    The new pokemon suck

    I agree
  3. RoboZebra

    Halo Reach, what version are you getting?

    I suggest a time machine
  4. RoboZebra

    The new pokemon suck

    The best were the original 150 IMO
  5. RoboZebra


    Ah another Minecrafter, anyway welcome to Team 9000 man! Enjoy you stay! :D
  6. RoboZebra

    It's my birthday today! :D

    I'm 18!
  7. RoboZebra

    Contest 016: LazyTown

    “I want to get a job as someone who names kitchen appliances. Toaster, refrigerator, blender.... all you do is say what the shit does, and add "er". I wanna work for the Kitchen Appliance Naming Institute. Hey, what does that do? It keeps shit fresh. Well, that's a fresher....I'm going...
  8. RoboZebra

    Happy Birthday DREAMCAST!

    yep I started with the Super Nintendo. Then some how switched to the N64 then PS1, skipping the Dreamcast altogether.
  9. RoboZebra

    Happy Birthday DREAMCAST!

    Too young didn't play ;)
  10. RoboZebra


    Man we are drawing in a lot of new members from Minecraft. Welome to T9K, be sure to have fun and stay respectful!
  11. RoboZebra

    Hi guys

    No and no, and welcome! :)
  12. RoboZebra

    Interrupting your Regularly Scheduled Programming

    this brings my ear holes pleasure.
  13. RoboZebra

    Call Black Duty: Of Ops

    I really hope they don't pull an IW and not listen to the community.
  14. RoboZebra

    Ayy Durr

    What up yo?
  15. RoboZebra


  16. RoboZebra

    thanks Woot :kissy:

    thanks Woot :kissy:
  17. RoboZebra

    don't you wish your internetz was just like mine

    today is a good day
  18. RoboZebra

    anyone want to make a brodcasting for dummies guide on here

    well less specifically, you want an overall powerful computer, teamed with a good IP you're good to go. EDIT: and all that capture card stuff :DD
  19. RoboZebra

    anyone want to make a brodcasting for dummies guide on here

    I'm not one to get streaming advice from, but one thing I've collected from watching tons of streams, is that you need to start with a good quality/powerful computer, for best results. :freshprince: