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  1. W

    Minecraft Guest Promotions

    more Ozy afk abuse ¬.¬ found him looking awfully depressed :( decided to capture the moment...
  2. W

    Minecraft Guest Promotions

    couple of lil ones I forgot about
  3. W

    Minecraft Guest Promotions

    couple of quickies in old guest in new guest world
  4. W

    Minecraft Guest Promotions

    Some interlocking cubes, in current guest - inspired by some seen in guest 9 or 10... helped by 1TD "9-O'clock barhop to bodyflip no hander" an excitebike strip - in cool2. Better seen in person :) Have since filled in between the letters in the writing Quicky zelda (cool2).. colours...
  5. W

    Minecraft Guest Promotions

    Couple of lil things Ive been playing with - fairly simple in comparison to some of the other stuff posted in here! Steam icon No sure what the above 2 things where supposed to be - started out as one tower, evolved into.. err.. this Couple of mega-men. Mario aint mine, but I de-griefed...