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  1. Mudcrab_Warrior

    Build review.

    This thread isn't serious lol, my only intention was to give Con shit haha <3
  2. Mudcrab_Warrior

    Build review.

    I was hoping that an admin could review my builds, tell me what they think, and hopefully say if i fit the bill for a promotion, if i'm on track etc etc. I'll post them all here if required. Thanks . :)
  3. Mudcrab_Warrior

    Lack of builders online @ 8pm EST

    Hey guys, So far tonight, i can't see any builders+ online, so the griefers are running wild. I understand if people can't be online at whatever time for whatever reason, but maybe an increase in builders might help? Just a suggestion, as i don't like watching peoples hard work be destroyed...
  4. Mudcrab_Warrior

    Minecraft Guest Promotions

    Made another sprite today, Sonic powering up. It's in cool3
  5. Mudcrab_Warrior

    Can't login to T9000 server

    Hey lads, Went to login this morning and for some reason it sits on the 'Connecting...' window, and wont allow me in. Not too sure whats going on, can login to other servers fine, any ideas? Cheers, Mud.
  6. Mudcrab_Warrior

    Minecraft Guest Promotions

    Ok, spent a shitload of time on making a M. Bison from street fighters Sprite. Here's the screenys below, was completed on Cool1. Enjoy :)
  7. Mudcrab_Warrior

    Minecraft Guest Promotions

    Decided to make him start running, so did another 3 to show that, you if put them next to each other it would look pretty cool.
  8. Mudcrab_Warrior

    Minecraft Guest Promotions

    Started on my first ever Sprite's today in cool2 Crash Bandicoot, turned out pretty shit but meh, all i did was look at an image of him lol Two sonic 16x14 sprites
  9. Mudcrab_Warrior

    @ Casham

    Told ya!
  10. Mudcrab_Warrior

    Minecraft Guest Promotions

    Star Destroyer - Made by Colyo, Mudcrab_Warrior, Seven and Happy. Been Griefed about 5 times now..