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  1. L

    Banned Without A Reason.

    I was Recently Banned By Kc006. i Was banned for griefing something that i created, I don't know why kc006 thought i griefed, Kc2006: Grief -H sign is what it says when i try to log in, I created a 'Hi' Sign and asked a player with 'Cool' Rank if they thought it was stupid, He said yes so i...
  2. L

    one old building xp

    Weird, The third picture i was trying to build something exactly like that.. Not one block different.. But it got griefed so i stopped Lol
  3. L

    Banned Without A Reason.

    I got kicked for griefing something i created, Kicked By Kc006 Reason: Grief-H Sign. I created a 'Hi' Sign and deleted it cause another player on the server said it looked stupid, Seconds later i was kicked.. The moderators need to ask if you created it or ask why you deleted it or something, I...