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  1. XGraemeX

    Fallout New Vegas!

    You forgot about the part where you fill your whole house with nuka cola bottles, then swim in them. Oh that was just in my game? nvm then
  2. XGraemeX

    Fallout New Vegas!

    Coming out today! Anyone else getting this?
  3. XGraemeX

    Minecraft Guest Promotions

    I built this rather small Prince from Katamari. I think when the next Cool server goes live i'll make one that reaches the clouds.
  4. XGraemeX

    Minecraft Guest Promotions

    On today's tour, we will be boarding an abandoned pirate ship in the mysterious land of Cool3. Beware of it's many cannons. 4 Masts are need to power this might vessel! Lets head below. Cannonballs and Gunpowder litter the lower deck The lowest deck has a glass floor...
  5. XGraemeX

    Minecraft Guest Promotions

    Almost fills the entire height of the map
  6. XGraemeX

    Minecraft Guest Promotions

    And here's one of my own creations: Took twice as long as it should have because of griefing.
  7. XGraemeX

    Minecraft Guest Promotions

    Birrong asked me to post a couple pics of his creations. I helped him a little on the walkways, but the design is all his!