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  1. CiciElemeno_P

    My wolf!

    Hello, x3 this is my wolf (and the inside of it.) WITH ABSOLUTELY NO WoM! It took me a couple of hours, so Hope u like it xD
  2. CiciElemeno_P

    Hello :DD its Cici :)

    its in guest 516.
  3. CiciElemeno_P

    Hello :DD its Cici :)

    nahh i dont feel like it, my other houses r in 512 nd 513 and its not available, so, yeah >.< u've seen my house anyways
  4. CiciElemeno_P

    Hello :DD its Cici :)

    yeah i did it.
  5. CiciElemeno_P

    Application 3.

    ok 0.0
  6. CiciElemeno_P

    Hello :DD its Cici :)

    u ppl r just looking at my old house -.- luk at my new one!
  7. CiciElemeno_P

    Application 3.

    So i was bored and i just made this.:oops: :) -Cic
  8. CiciElemeno_P

    Hello :DD its Cici :)

    Uhh.. :D u build somethin ?
  9. CiciElemeno_P

    Hello :DD its Cici :)

    -.- yeah of course. :cool:
  10. CiciElemeno_P

    My Present House :D

    :poop:so here i am :laugh: Ive finally finished my present house x3 hope u like it (and ive put my other houses aswell! )
  11. CiciElemeno_P

    Hello :DD its Cici :)

    :D right now im making a "present house" its pretty huge, and im still working on it :D so yeah. i might upload it this week :))
  12. CiciElemeno_P

    To get promoted

    Hello! Since i havn't been promoted last time I decided to make another house! It's not as cool as the last one but it's kinda like the "Nature"type of house. And for the kitchen,( the white thing is the fridge, beside it is the sink, and the green thing is the cupboard)which is on the last...
  13. CiciElemeno_P

    Hello :DD its Cici :)

    Hello :D ive tried my best :) so i hope i get promoted. x3 -.- still thinking y i cant.. So hope u like it :sneaky: