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  1. Siloow

    Sil´s Application

    Minecraft Username : Siloow Experience on our classic server (if any) - Cool rank - Around 100 hours on the classic server. -Spoiler is pretty huge- Why you would be a good candidate for our alpha community? I've been playing Alpha for a long time now and I'm still very active in...
  2. Siloow


    What happend to guest29? I had a HUGE ( huge ) castle there. And now it's gone. It got overwrited by the old guest1, and guest28 is still the old guest. It wasn't even finished ;( Where did it do? Please don't tell me its gone.
  3. Siloow

    Sir, hello.

    o Hi. Me iz Sil I pl4y m1necarft lotz Meh iz having huge world on own game. But n0w meh laikez to play multiiplayr But yeah. Gonna post some work soon Oh yeah, and :notchface: wins.