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  1. N

    please promote me

    i cant get on minecraft right now to work on my build give me about a week and i will try to get on
  2. N


    Also 632 please protect the giant church
  3. N


    Oh ok then if so can I always go on 632.everytime untill I become builder so I can work on my promo build
  4. N


    By the,way a player named ruman helped me with my first,promot build could u promote him to cool
  5. N


    So I read admin request and if I am right it saya I can request to be an admin and if so I woild like to be one so I can banned griefers cause I see lots of stuff like swasdicas and lots of griefs :cool: random cool
  6. N

    please promote me

    I will post more soon ps 632 has been griefed several times
  7. N

    please promote me

    I am working on some more rooms but I cant get on 632 it made me go to 633
  8. N

    Robinskie's App

    Hey good luck u will most proberly be promoted:thumbsup:
  9. N

    please promote me

    hi I want to be promoted to cool this is the inside there will be more to this but i need cool to keep building it i am not showing the entrance cause it may get griefed my in game name is neil_p_k
  10. N

    Ban appael

    I am gonna become cool well I will try:D
  11. N

    Ban appael

    Thats ok my ingame username is neil_p_k
  12. N

    Ban appael

    it is only because remofshadows is taking too long
  13. N

    Ban appael

    please cancle this thred i will start a new username thank you
  14. N

    Ban appael

    ;( please hurry that was my faveriout server
  15. N

    Ban appael

    :thumbsup:thank you jns
  16. N

    Ban appael

    can someone send remofshadows to look at this thred he was the one who banned me
  17. N

    Nice house I made in an hour

    i is cool good luck and it is also neer the two creeper and the house me and my friend built
  18. N


    i like it it is a good build
  19. N

    Ban appael

    please unbanned me i am realy sorry if i did grief i will not do it again
  20. N

    Why Am I Banned?

    hi i am glad u got unbanned