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  1. Ninjew

    A teaching story

    10th grade As I sat there in English class, I stared at the girl next to me. She was my so called "best friend". I stared at her long, silky hair, and wished she was mine. But she didn't notice me like that, and I knew it. After class, she walked up to me and asked me for the notes she had...
  2. Ninjew

    To Double

    I would like to request for you to look through and read all the old posts (like pages 5-last). Do this, and compare it to the threads now. From what I concluded, now= "ADMIN ABUSE" and "BAN ____ HE ABUSES" then = "My first post over!! woot I love DFX mod I'll be playing forever..." bring...
  3. Ninjew

    good ol dfx site :]<3
  4. Ninjew


    cspromod beta vid has been released from the raffle winners
  5. Ninjew

    Secret Nazi's

    I was listening to some music and I pause it. Later, I decide to play it again, and what do I find? Windows media player graphic designers are secretly nazi's
  6. Ninjew

    Dfx Mod 1

    It was a lot of fun and it never got boring...until everyone left and no one to play with :mad: . I could get a lot of people who used to play, to play once again. But of course, you should keep a surf server. I am just asking you to consider it. :confused:
  7. Ninjew

    In Game Name

    I am REALLY bored so i decided to make this thread. Tell your story of how you got your in game name. I would rather not share mine 8D
  8. Ninjew

    Admins -_-

    I would like to talk about admins and what they do. 1. Just because someone calls them a noob, is that a reason to gag for 9999 minutes? *cough* Beastie 2. Double, look who u have let be admin... remember xxx? 3. It does say to respect the admins, but what about THEM respecting US...
  9. Ninjew


    Well. We all had fun, i know i did i was like addicted for.... a while. Anyway, im not gonna play much anymore, and i know your all tired of hearing people quiting. Anyways, cya
  10. Ninjew

    hey hey hey

    Hey u guys im looking for some great hax.. it would be great if u could hook me up with some awesome hax yo dogs.. jk.......................... or am i? Well anyway, hi everyone and... GO TO COCOS SIGS IP :P....... just droping by 8D
  11. Ninjew


    I feel like a noob, but what does a fake steam ID look like?
  12. Ninjew


    re?spect ( P ) Pronunciation Key (r-spkt) tr.v. re?spect?ed, re?spect?ing, re?spects 1. To feel or show deferential regard for; esteem. Ok people. I've paid what? $40+ to this server and im treated like dirt by some people. When there is a problem, i go get double, or do what he...
  13. Ninjew

    \/\/ 0 \/\/

    did ANYONE realise we are playing a mod of a mod here? \/\/ 0 \/\/!!! incase ur slow, cs is a mod of half life, and this is a mod of cs
  14. Ninjew


    SERVERS BACK UP YAY... go tell all your double :)
  15. Ninjew


    As coco said before, does anyone play ssbm? I do :):) :)
  16. Ninjew


    GuitarGuru7thEmp: and why should i answer to a girl? GuitarGuru7thEmp: lol GuitarGuru7thEmp: im antifeministic GuitarGuru7thEmp: last time i went piss it went all over a fire:P GuitarGuru7thEmp: and that was literally 10 minutes ago
  17. Ninjew


    OK GUYS... just so u ALL know, [DFX] is NOT a clan it is just an admin tag SO STOP ASKING ME IF U CAN JOIN!!!
  18. Ninjew

    lost coast

    like i have hl2 lost coast the xpantion thing and i played like for an hour and it keep saying wen i keep going to the same spot; "kicked by user" does anyone have this game? i need help....
  19. Ninjew

    dfx rox sox

    DFX ROX MY SOX abused me today and he kept setting me on fire and going into godmode and wat not...
  20. Ninjew


    When do u plan on releasing the new update (giant one)?????????????????????????????????