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  1. Q

    Why was I banned?

    He is a friend who regularly comes over to my house.. Unfortunately thinking to introduce him to this server was a mistake. I want to apologize any of the inconveniences he has caused, as I didn't think he would be a griefer/douche (explains why he was laughing to himself at times). Although all...
  2. Q

    Why was I banned?

    Oh I see, if you check the ip's, there were several accounts on at the same time. Would it be possible to just ban TeamFruitCakes' account? I would be very great full, because I have not broken any rules. Would very much like to continue my sky tower staircase. =) Thank you very much for...
  3. Q

    Why was I banned?

    I was building a staircase tower with glass right next to the "bowser" when suddenly I was kicked and banned. I'm not sure why. Please get back to me, thank you very much. Quincy