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  1. DarkPCTV

    A Halo: Reach Rube Goldberg Machine

    While snooping around the internets... on another site ( i found this video
  2. DarkPCTV

    Minecraft Guest Promotions

    Here is one work that i made today on on the Classic server on Guest39 I have more work i have eaither helped on or built or building on on a MC Alpha Server I play on (Pics to come)
  3. DarkPCTV

    Contest 021: I ???? Minecraft!

    3 reasons... 1. Its simplicity 2. its addictiveness 3. the sheer amount of people playing!
  4. DarkPCTV

    Oh HAI!

    Hello, Im DarkPC I first noticed team 9000 via the Minecraft Classic Server and after some proding by the chat bot in the in game chat i came over and i thought i would sign up!...^_^