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  1. AwesomeGrant

    Battlefield Play4Free

    I agree with all of the comments regarding the beta, but I also may have some people on the inside. That is what gets me so excited for the game, there is way more just waiting for us! Anyways, it is still in beta, you can't expect alot out of that. No mater what it's going to be glitchy and...
  2. AwesomeGrant


    I got: Halo Reach, Brotherhood, Fable 3, two remotes (xbox), two headsets, two year gold memberships. A brand new Ipod Touch 32G A Brand New HP Pavilion dm4 with Fingerprint Reader. I'm satisfied to say the least :P
  3. AwesomeGrant

    AwesomeGrant says Hai

    Potato, Tomato. No big diffy.
  4. AwesomeGrant

    Battlefield Play4Free

    It's the concept that Battlefield is Free that gets me :D
  5. AwesomeGrant

    The place where the poop I find on YouTube goes

    WARNING: You have been warned.
  6. AwesomeGrant

    Battlefield Play4Free

    Hello everybody! I'm not sure if many of you guys remember, but there was this awesome game called Battlefield Heroes. We would all play the game and have much joy. But then the creators turned dark and saw only green in their eyes. The game was ruined. Well there is hope! Battlefield...
  7. AwesomeGrant

    AwesomeGrant says Hai

    Ah thank you, I am very used to TeamSpeak, because that is what all of my current groups use. Although this doesn't look too difficult. I will be on soon.
  8. AwesomeGrant

    AwesomeGrant says Hai

    Hello everybody, I am AwesomeGrant. I am an Co-Admin of one minecraft server, and the Admin of my own server. I decided that after I went for 14 hours without stopping on my own server, that maybe it was time for me to go out and get some fresh air. In my world that means go to a new server. I...
  9. AwesomeGrant

    Minecraft Guest Promotions

    Well I first made this tunnel system that I thought was cool, but many of the builders/mods said that it wasn't enough. So my latest creation! The white house