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  1. R

    "The person above me..." game

    The person above me is a pedophile.
  2. R

    The return of The Russian SWAT

    After going on hiatis for about 6-8 months from DFX, I'm comin back. Unfortunately, there is no longer the original DFX server, just 2 surf servers. I don't even know if Wooty remembers me. He probably doesnt. Just wanted to say hi to you all. Dont be fooled by the 3 posts. My original...
  3. R

    DFX-MOD WhatPulse Team

    I still own this team basicly... 90 something million clicks, i have several world records for pulses... i own the world
  4. R

    DFX-MOD and the future

    I would like to announce that I have returned. I am currently not able to come online, but I will be using DFX as a World of Warcraft rehab center. I love you all. Except N00bus.