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  1. EDSxTAZ19

    BangBangBang69's promotion from [cool-->builder]

    here is a apartment building i built, but dont know how may hours i have, and how i check that.
  2. EDSxTAZ19

    BangBangBang69's promotion from [cool-->builder]

    alright thanks for the tips
  3. EDSxTAZ19

    BangBangBang69's promotion from [cool-->builder]

    I might have put 2 pics because i didnt know if i have put it on the first post so here!
  4. EDSxTAZ19

    BangBangBang69's promotion from [cool-->builder]

    i tried making Big Ben the huge clock in Paris and I think this might promote me, but its your choice
  5. EDSxTAZ19

    Thanks for the promotion, the promotion makes me have one more reason to play minecraft

    Thanks for the promotion, the promotion makes me have one more reason to play minecraft
  6. EDSxTAZ19

    BangBangBang69's promotion

    ok heres another one
  7. EDSxTAZ19

    BangBangBang69's promotion

    ok thanks for the tips
  8. EDSxTAZ19

    BangBangBang69's promotion

    but i built 2 other houses
  9. EDSxTAZ19

    this is new avatar but u cant see it says on the top "I made you a cookie" and i think u can see...

    this is new avatar but u cant see it says on the top "I made you a cookie" and i think u can see the bottom but if u cant i says "But i eated it"
  10. EDSxTAZ19

    yo, the pic that you wanted me to put I did and if u rank me can u rank me to cool.

    yo, the pic that you wanted me to put I did and if u rank me can u rank me to cool.
  11. EDSxTAZ19

    BangBangBang69's promotion

    g] alright here u go i hope o get ranked to cool
  12. EDSxTAZ19

    BangBangBang69's promotion

    ok i got a picture this time it is the brick house with the blue roof and im applying for cool
  13. EDSxTAZ19

    BangBangBang69's promotion

    can i plz be promoted i've already made 3 houses and think i should be promoted to cool plz and thank you!