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  1. rvby1

    Loading Old MC Survival World

    Hey, all! Been a long time since I've come around here. I know it's mostly dead, but I thought I'd ask just in case someone's lurking around. I'm trying to go on a bit of a nostalgia trip with the old Beta 1.6.6 Survival world (located here), but I can't seem to load it up correctly. I copy...
  2. rvby1

    1.6.6 Team9000 World

    (Sorry if this is in the wrong section) Does anyone have a link to the T9k 1.6.6 Minecraft Survival World?
  3. rvby1

    Ban Request for donholiday

    Okay so a user stole from another user- Anaxo. This was in my last town AzurePoint in which donholiday stole many items. As seen in this thread- And Cordacc has some pretty conclusive proof in this one-...
  4. rvby1

    Ban request For Ahm99

    Ahm99 is a major troll, He is constantly spamming the chat and missusing color text, Look at this thread: and then look at post 18, there is proof of his spam. Woot...
  5. rvby1

    SUGGESTION: Nether Items For sale

    It think it would be cool if there was a bot, Like bill that would, That would sell you various items for money, Some of those items being Glowstone, Netherrack and Soul sand. All items unabailable currently due to the nether not being there. If you could implement this Woot that would be great...
  6. rvby1

    Rvby1 ---> Cool, Again?

    Okay so casham said I got promoted but when I got on I was still guest. COuld you fix that please?
  7. rvby1

    BAD server lag

    Okay woot there is some major lag going on in the server right now please Re-Woot it Please :D
  8. rvby1

    An auto Harvesting wheat farm I made

    Okay here is the link to a video I made showing my auto harvesting wheat farm using the new pistons. :D Enjoy Also if this is in the wrong area please tell me >_<
  9. rvby1

    Server issue >_<

    Okay so it says the server is up on the home page. But when I try to connect to the server it says can't connect end of stream D: I have beta 1.7_01
  10. rvby1

    Very odd glitch

    Okay so is this happening to anyone else? The thing I'm holding are sheers then the odd thing on the ground is a piston. Was there some sort of issue with the installation? Are the picture files screwed up?
  11. rvby1

    Something kind of cool

    Okay so I was bored and I went to start a new world. I then go to harvest wood and come back to my spawn point. Then I make some picks and then look around for some stone. I then find a big hole of sand, and on the first layer of the sand there is some cobble stone, Something man made. I then...
  12. rvby1

    Server Issue

    The server is not working right. What happens it it lets you connect, Then 2 seconds later Everybody Dc's and its just and endless cycle. If Wooty or Ozy could do something about this it would be much appreciated as its kind of Pissing me off. Thanks.
  13. rvby1

    Could I request a ban on these People?

    Okay so first of all. A user neamed Grudge_II greifed my first home. He is not really a big deal as I'm completely over him. Second a user named Throwbot91 decided to grief into me and my friends mine then burry himself into a hole. When I then proceded to free him I was typing a message...
  14. rvby1

    Murder report

    Okay so I was in my friends mine, we were looking for dungeons. So then this random user Throwbot91 comes into my friends mine and when we say get out he puts him self into a small hole. I then set him free wondering what the F he is doing. When I am typing the message what are you doing he...
  15. rvby1

    Grief and Murder Has happened

    Okay So a player named Grudge_II Decided to break into my home and set me on fire. I thought there was no Pvp. Also I get back to my house and he does it all over again! And I am like 20 minutes atleast from the spawn
  16. rvby1

    Guest -> Cool Rvby1

    This is my house I created on minecraft I hope its enough to get a promotion. Thanks for looking. Rvby1.