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  1. bugz_lonewolf

    All For The Surf Server Back???

    all for the surf server back???? yes!!!!!!!? no!!!!!? my votes for yes!!! msg me back for ur answers...
  2. bugz_lonewolf

    hey Wooty...

    hmm my admin ran out, soo i got lots of point..and i dont have money to u can take 40k and plz get me admin back...its js for this month i'll pay..okie??reply has soon as possiable..
  3. bugz_lonewolf


    i was playin on the server...then this asshole comes in...forgot his name...i'll get his steam ID soon...he invites me to his server...i go in....then he puts a virus on my computer...thank god i got rid of it...i was soo mad....:mad: well when i get him i be happy!
  4. bugz_lonewolf


    whats goin on....hmmm Wooty can u swtich my admin acoount to my new one please...get back to me when you can. thank you.
  5. bugz_lonewolf

    I Want My Admin...

    Hey guys...i haven't been on the server a lot...thats cuz i dont have my admin...=[ old counter strike account has been i got a new one, and i was hopein that Wooty would switch the old account admin to my new one...please reply back thank you.
  6. bugz_lonewolf


    hey guy, i just wanna ask how iam doin with admin?...hope iam not too bad. Anyway i just want to hear from u guys, and repond to this question thanks.