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  1. Hawkzy

    Monstercat Mix Competiton - Conquest - Hawkzy needs your help!

    So I entered the Monstercat Mix Competition and the more favourites means the higher the priority of my mix is when it comes to listening. For those of you who don't know me, I've come and gone since 2010. Some of you know me as Hawkzy, some know me as 'That Dubstep DJ Guy' and some of you know...
  2. Hawkzy


    A bit about myself. My name's Hawkzy, of course. Known IRL as Tom. I'm fifteen and I play Minecraft most of the time. Sometimes I may take a break due to school work and other occurrences but I tend to get back in the game shortly after. I've been playing at T9K since December 2010, though I...
  3. Hawkzy

    Hawkzy [Guest -> Cool]

    Hey there, guys. I've been playing on the server for some five hours which will probably affect my chances, though I just wanted to give it a go and see what you all thought of it. I can build much more if need be, just let me know and I'll get down to building. Many thanks. :)
  4. Hawkzy

    Good evenin'.

    Hey there! My name's Hawkzy, Tom in the real world. I'm fourteen years of age and I'm from Adelaide, Australia. I just wanted to say hey, and that I hope this community doesn't die on me like the others did. I'd usually make a 500 word or so introduction about my life, but I got some builds to...