3DS Price Cut!


Well-Known Member
I think a lot of us knew this was coming, I'm surprised how quickly and by how much. Nintendo has announced the 3DS will have it's price cut effective Aug 12 in the US and Australia, and Aug 11 in Japan. The price will go from $249.99 to $169.99 in the US, $349.95 to $250 in Australia and 25k yen to 15k yen in Japan.

For those of you who bought the 3DS prior to this huge cut, worry not! Nintendo sees that you're a sucker and is offering you 10 free Virtual Console NES games AND 10 free GBA games from the Nintendo eShop. All you need to do is connect to the eShop once before the price cut and you'll be automatically registered. The NES games will be available later in the year and the GBA games are (for now) exclusive only to those who bought the 3DS prior to the price cut.

Here's a link to the article for you read

To me, I see this as an admission by Nintendo that they asked for too much for the 3DS give the numerous concerns people have over the 3D gaming aspect, and the fact that they didn't have many good titles to launch with the 3DS. So, they're cutting the price to boost sales, especially since they are expecting to release a couple of more great titles before the end of the year. This could also be an indication they're going to be releasing a newer version of the 3DS soon, and are trying to clear their warehouses for the new product.
I like that the 3DS has gone down alot. It's about time Nintendo did so if you ask me. Regardless, I'm still holding off on buying one for myself until a mainstream Pokemon game is launched on it. Currently the only game that interests me on the 3DS is Ocarina of TIme, which I already own on 3 systems.

Still....this virtual console sounds cool. Do they offer Pokemon?
I don't recall seeing any games on the two lists that were Pokemon games. The games they're offering weren't too particularly popular during their time, but are still memorable and may entice some gamers to purchase the 3DS before the price drop. I'm tempted to do so and get the games just for the potential of the item becoming somewhat of a collectors treasure if Nintendo seriously does not release those GBA games listed to others at a later date. I find that hope to be unlikely, however.
Well, I do not own a 3DS and I don't want to. I own EVERY single GBA, except for the 3DS. I don't like the 3D thingy, it makes me having headache D:
Until Nintendo said that they are going to decrease the price of 3DS to $169.99, I hesitated on whether or not I should buy the 3DS.

But now...

I am definitely getting it. :]​