A 10 Minute Comic


Well-Known Member

So I decided to start making these comics, who knows, I want some feedback so I know if I should ACTUALLY draw these, in complete color so that they don't look like I did them in MS Paint D: (I MIGHT EVEN WRITE FOR THESE AND MAKE *GASP* JOKES!)... in which case these will no longer be ten minute comics... because they don't take ten minutes to make... I'd probably drop the title and make it T9K Comics or something... I don't know... It's not even a Minecraft comic... It'll just be stuff I think of...


And y'know... I totally couldn't do it like this

Hopefully there will be more to come... or not... I'll make these in bulk and then release them biweekly or something... I dunno :D

it sounds like a good idea and you should go ahead with it.....not really sure what is happening in your example comic, but none the less, I look forward to others.
I think it would be an awesome idea and would look forward to reading them. I read your wooty ate a cheeseburger stories and i think i fell in <3 with your brainz.
I remember my comic making days. Lasted about 3 weeks then I totally got lazy.
You can see them in the link in my signature.

p.s who says yoink and what does that even mean
I think it would be an awesome idea and would look forward to reading them. I read your wooty ate a cheeseburger stories and i think i fell in <3 with your brainz.
hes digging, finds a skull, the skull moves/talks/something, and he runs

P.S. You can edit your previous posts to add more content to them. That way you don't need to make multiple posts in a row. :P
I say do it sheepy, but a bit of text to help get the message across would go well. Like a "Hello" or "Bonjour" from the skull or something. Nothing long and elaborate, just to help clarify the point. But definately do it!
I remember my comic making days. Lasted about 3 weeks then I totally got lazy.
You can see them in the link in my signature.

I used to "sprite" (:D +10 points to you!) back in the day. I've made my fair share of comics.


Wut shud I call it D:

10MC doesn't sound right to me... I dunno :D