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A slight addition to /rules


Well-Known Member
Now, I'm really sick and tired to tell people off about fixing grief, I see people constantly fixing grief and it drives me up the metaphorical walls. Earlier this morning, I saw someone fixing grief, when I told them they shouldn't do it. They ignored me. I asked again and they still tried to fix it without acknowledging me. I calmly asked a third time, obstructing their vision with my avatars body and asked them to stop. He finally stopped and asked me, "why not?" I responded with the classic "The Griefers can't be banned if you do" He kept quiet for a couple of seconds, finally responded saying "it's not against the rules tho"

I checked /rules and saw nothing about it, he was right. It's not against the rules.

So please, I beg of you. We need to add something along the lines of "NO FIXING GRIEF" or something very similar to that in the rules. It just gets annnoying to constantly tell people off for things like this.

Now, people barely read the rules as it is.... but maybe, JUST maybe. This will stop some people from fixing grief. And that will be worth it. Also, might I add. I know this can be classified under the current rule of "don't touch others work" But those people will naturally assume that only counts for griefers, and continue anyway on fixing grief.

I really don't see a reason why not to add this, so tell me are you in favour of this? Are you not? Why Not? Anything I missed? Am I misguided? I'm ready to debate this idea. Tell me if I've missed anything.

If enough people are in favour, I'll add it to the bug tracker. If not and this idea gets shot down, I wont.

Thanks for reading,
<3 Beese
This appears to be a very liked idea, would this idea be backed by any... influential members of team9000?
Even if woot approves of this, anything involving classic is so far down on his to do list it probably won't be done for at least a few months.
Even if woot approves of this, anything involving classic is so far down on his to do list it probably won't be done for at least a few months.
My thoughts exactly, but even if woot was to do it at some point in time, It'd still be fantastic.
I'll talk to him about it, but he will probably use the argument you stated, as if it isn't their build then they shouldn't be modifying it, that includes fixing grief. If it is their build, then they can do whatever the hell they want with it.
On the other hand we could always add rules to the wiki, which I believe /rules says is the "extended rules" or something to that effect.

I can't see for sure since my internet is being a derp.
I'll talk to him about it, but he will probably use the argument you stated, as if it isn't their build then they shouldn't be modifying it, that includes fixing grief. If it is their build, then they can do whatever the hell they want with it.
That would be great, thanks.
I don't really think that the /rules need to be changed for this. i personally don't come across this situation as much as you say it happens. if there are no awesome+ ranks to freeze the person fixing the grief, then you can write down the name of the person who did the grief, to keep an eye on them if they come back and see if they grief again, and then you could write down the name of the person fixing the grief so that you can watch and see if they are fixing grief everywhere or if they were just doing it that once. but as adding this to the rules on the wiki would be a good idea.
I'll talk to him about it, but he will probably use the argument you stated, as if it isn't their build then they shouldn't be modifying it, that includes fixing grief. If it is their build, then they can do whatever the hell they want with it.

Then it should be added "Do not fix grief, until reported".

It's a server message, and I'm assuming it would take woot 2mins to add it to the rotation. Also remove the monthly contest.
Fixing grief isn't really something bannable, or even something that should be worried about much. If admins are not around, or the grief is minimal, there is nothing wrong with patching it up. We might not be able to ban the abuser, but he'll probably be caught from grief elsewhere anyways.