A Weird Plugin Idea...Any Advice?


Well-Known Member
Hello all. I was just back on the creative server when I thought of this. I want to make a server like this.

  • The whole server is about warfare. Fantasy and Midevil warfare.
  • You start off in a Neutral Town, called Salvation.
  • Once you leave Salvation, you enter No Man's Land. Basically, the Wilderness.
  • There are several countries, with smaller towns in them.
  • You can ally with other countries.
  • Both countries must agree to go to war before wartime starts.
  • Winning wars allows your town to increase in size ant income increases.
  • If you go to war with a country, you can burn, blow up, and smash enemy fortifications.
  • Allies can help rebuild fortifications and send reinforcements.
  • If you disband an alliance with ex-allied troops in your country, they must leave before reentering war with your country.
  • You can hire NPC mob soldiers, like Archers, Warriors, Assassins, Calvary, Ballistas, Catapults, ect.
  • NPC's have a salary, and drain money over time.
  • Each town/city has a flag. Conquer the flag to own the town/city.
  • Each country has a capital city. This has more fortifications than other cities.
  • Take out the capital's flag, you destroy the country and all the land becomes yours.
  • You can have multiple capitals, but every time you lose one, you lose that capital's land.

So...any thoughts? Improvements, problems, advice?
Hello all. I was just back on the creative server when I thought of this. I want to make a server like this.

  • The whole server is about warfare. Fantasy and Midevil warfare.
  • You start off in a Neutral Town, called Salvation.
  • Once you leave Salvation, you enter No Man's Land. Basically, the Wilderness.
  • There are several countries, with smaller towns in them.
  • You can ally with other countries.
  • Both countries must agree to go to war before wartime starts.
  • Winning wars allows your town to increase in size ant income increases.
  • If you go to war with a country, you can burn, blow up, and smash enemy fortifications.
  • Allies can help rebuild fortifications and send reinforcements.
  • If you disband an alliance with ex-allied troops in your country, they must leave before reentering war with your country.
  • You can hire NPC mob soldiers, like Archers, Warriors, Assassins, Calvary, Ballistas, Catapults, ect.
  • NPC's have a salary, and drain money over time.
  • Each town/city has a flag. Conquer the flag to own the town/city.
  • Each country has a capital city. This has more fortifications than other cities.
  • Take out the capital's flag, you destroy the country and all the land becomes yours.
  • You can have multiple capitals, but every time you lose one, you lose that capital's land.

So...any thoughts? Improvements, problems, advice?
Learn Java. I had an idea for a Minecraft mod (tiny images to generate skymaps that make chunks visible from ridiculously far away), but I don't want to learn another programming language (even a widely used one) just for one personal project.
Those wild ideas are probably found in other servers that are not T9k.

But i guess they make a pass for an MMORPG... a bit like planetside 2 i guess.
Well, First off, I'm gonna try to make this. I just need a good programming software.
Second, This isn't meant for Team9000, although if I made it, I'd give Woot it just in case.
Third, I want to know if there's anything I can add to it. Like money systems, units, ect.
Fourth, I wanna know if there are plugins with similar ideas.

Anyone got any advice?
Well, First off, I'm gonna try to make this. I just need a good programming software.
Second, This isn't meant for Team9000, although if I made it, I'd give Woot it just in case.
Third, I want to know if there's anything I can add to it. Like money systems, units, ect.
Fourth, I wanna know if there are plugins with similar ideas.

Anyone got any advice?

Sounds awfully similar to a mix of Towny and Factions in my opinion with a few twists.
I'm about to attempt to script this. When I get decent at Java or some better version, I'll begin on the programming. Any former/current programmers willing to give advice?
Fourth, I wanna know if there are plugins with similar ideas.
The whole server is about warfare. Fantasy and Midevil warfare.
SpoutPlugin plus Towny or Factions plus McMMO or RPGCraft or MMOCraft or a dozen other MMORPG plugins.
You start off in a Neutral Town, called Salvation.
Both Towny and Factions have "Server Towns/Factions" that remain neutral, and both can force new players to be a member of that town/faction.
Once you leave Salvation, you enter No Man's Land. Basically, the Wilderness.
Ohai, Towny/Factions
There are several countries, with smaller towns in them.
That's a Towny thing, known as Nations.
You can ally with other countries.
Towny again.
Both countries must agree to go to war before wartime starts.
That's a new one, though not realistic, which is probably why no common plugin has that feature. Realistically, a country can declare war on another country and not wait for permission to invade.
Winning wars allows your nation to increase in size and income increases.
Linking the number of successful wars with nation income and size allowances, that's new. Also, fixed. Towns VS Towns would be battles, I'd say. Maybe have two levels of combat?
If you go to war with a country, you can burn, blow up, and smash enemy fortifications.
Allies can help rebuild fortifications and send reinforcements.
Towny/Factions, unless the mechanics of doing this are different from what I'm imagining.
If you disband an alliance with ex-allied troops in your country, they must leave before reentering war with your country.
Nothing really does this as far as I'm aware.
You can hire NPC mob soldiers, like Archers, Warriors, Assassins, Calvary, Ballistas, Catapults, ect.
There is a mod that does this, I can't recall it at the moment though. GuildCraft or something like that.
NPC's have a salary, and drain money over time.
Same mod I mentioned before.
Each town/city has a flag. Conquer the flag to own the town/city.
Each country has a capital city. This has more fortifications than other cities.
Towny has capitals, but the fortifications, well, minecraft lets you build your own, literally.
Take out the capital's flag, you destroy the country and all the land becomes yours.
I disagree with full transfer of ownership. I'd say the land of the capital becomes yours. In any case, this is a new one to me. Most plugins and mods just remove the protection of the land, not transfer the ownership.
You can have multiple capitals, but every time you lose one, you lose that capital's land.
Who ever heard of a nation with multiple capitals?
The whole server is about warfare. Fantasy and Midevil warfare.
SpoutPlugin plus Towny or Factions plus McMMO or RPGCraft or MMOCraft or a dozen other MMORPG plugins.
You start off in a Neutral Town, called Salvation.
Both Towny and Factions have "Server Towns/Factions" that remain neutral, and both can force new players to be a member of that town/faction.
Once you leave Salvation, you enter No Man's Land. Basically, the Wilderness.
Ohai, Towny/Factions
There are several countries, with smaller towns in them.
That's a Towny thing, known as Nations.
You can ally with other countries.
Towny again.
Both countries must agree to go to war before wartime starts.
That's a new one, though not realistic, which is probably why no common plugin has that feature. Realistically, a country can declare war on another country and not wait for permission to invade.
Winning wars allows your nation to increase in size and income increases.
Linking the number of successful wars with nation income and size allowances, that's new. Also, fixed. Towns VS Towns would be battles, I'd say. Maybe have two levels of combat?
If you go to war with a country, you can burn, blow up, and smash enemy fortifications.
Allies can help rebuild fortifications and send reinforcements.
Towny/Factions, unless the mechanics of doing this are different from what I'm imagining.
If you disband an alliance with ex-allied troops in your country, they must leave before reentering war with your country.
Nothing really does this as far as I'm aware.
You can hire NPC mob soldiers, like Archers, Warriors, Assassins, Calvary, Ballistas, Catapults, ect.
There is a mod that does this, I can't recall it at the moment though. GuildCraft or something like that.
NPC's have a salary, and drain money over time.
Same mod I mentioned before.
Each town/city has a flag. Conquer the flag to own the town/city.
Each country has a capital city. This has more fortifications than other cities.
Towny has capitals, but the fortifications, well, minecraft lets you build your own, literally.
Take out the capital's flag, you destroy the country and all the land becomes yours.
I disagree with full transfer of ownership. I'd say the land of the capital becomes yours. In any case, this is a new one to me. Most plugins and mods just remove the protection of the land, not transfer the ownership.
You can have multiple capitals, but every time you lose one, you lose that capital's land.
Who ever heard of a nation with multiple capitals?
Looks like I'll need to contact the creator of towny.
Plus, maybe not capitals, but bigger cities. You should be able to make these. If you lose your capital, you lose most of your land. If you lose a bigger city, you lose surrounding area as well as the city. Also, you can't just attack the Capital. You must fight your way into it by conquering land up to the Capital before you attack it.
Looks like I'll need to contact the creator of towny.
Plus, maybe not capitals, but bigger cities. You should be able to make these. If you lose your capital, you lose most of your land. If you lose a bigger city, you lose surrounding area as well as the city. Also, you can't just attack the Capital. You must fight your way into it by conquering land up to the Capital before you attack it.
You probably won't need to contact the creator of Towny, since he's long since dropped the project and it's taken over by at least three different people. The most popular one (and I personally find the most stable) is Towny Advanced. In any case, you only need to contact them if you intend to use their code, and your idea is different enough that you should probably start from scratch.

In addition, some of the stuff you describe can't be done with a bukkit plugin, it will require a direct mod or use of the Spout API (and you'll likely need to code much of the API yourself). So either A) Code the API yourself and submit it to the Spout project (they're a lot more open to accepting API submissions of this sort than Bukkit), or B) Code it as a standalone mod. I would recommend the former, since more people are willing to use Spout than most standalone mods.