Any artists in the house?


New Member
Soooo.. Yup! Just looking to commission a skilled artists to create awesome artwork for my twitch page.

I need headers for each section, and a logo for my page.. And anything else I may think up lol

If anyone is interested hit me up :D I would love to see whatever you've done previously ^.^
I no longer do this kind of stuff but I'm pretty sure people would like you to be a bit more specific about what you want :)
like, which style/colours/shape/etc. or an example.
I will figure out specifics when I get off work and update my post :) thanks for the advice!
I do professional art commissions. Price for web graphics and the like really depend on the project/complexity.
I usually do character illustration, but I'm familiar with most other art things too. Digital and traditional medias. Graphic design, web design, typography, etc.
I did last year's Team9000 PAX East shirt. Pieced together BracaBrad's twitch graphics. Done my own ( ) website for a bajillion years. Official convention websites/badges/con info books.
And so on and so forth.
Just sayin.
So really the baseline is I am looking for mostly a high def logo. This is rough sketch I did just now. It was done with a terrible pencil and I suck at drawing... but generally something I can use for my twitch as a logo that will instantly be identified as me.

As far as coloring I was thinking black and blue.

I really want the N and H to be stylized as the sort of symbol with the Y as just subdued inside somewhere to make my name. T9k isn't mine to put on there, but I like this community so I tossed it in ^.^

So really the baseline is I am looking for mostly a high def logo. This is rough sketch I did just now. It was done with a terrible pencil and I suck at drawing... but generally something I can use for my twitch as a logo that will instantly be identified as me.

As far as coloring I was thinking black and blue.

I really want the N and H to be stylized as the sort of symbol with the Y as just subdued inside somewhere to make my name. T9k isn't mine to put on there, but I like this community so I tossed it in ^.^

View attachment 144036
Here ya go. I will try and make a better version with Illustator later, but right now the program is being an asshole, so I used Photoshop.

Just tell me if I have the right idea
Sorry for the delay! The general design is spot on, I was thinking black background, light colored N and H witha black Y with maybe a light halo around it just enough to make it visible but not stand out to much, and also have it behind the N and H.

As far as the actual design, I was thinking like a polished look with maybe a metalic type design to the N and H.

(edit) love the shadowing by the way, if there is a way to keep it with the black background (maybe a slightly lighter than black color) that would be amazing!
Sorry for the delay! The general design is spot on, I was thinking black background, light colored N and H witha black Y with maybe a light halo around it just enough to make it visible but not stand out to much, and also have it behind the N and H.

As far as the actual design, I was thinking like a polished look with maybe a metalic type design to the N and H.

(edit) love the shadowing by the way, if there is a way to keep it with the black background (maybe a slightly lighter than black color) that would be amazing!
Sure thing, I'll try and get to finishing up the design tomorrow afternoon (I would finish it tonight, but Illustrator is the biggest prick on the face of the earth when it comes to my computer and will take awhile to get to launch correctly. Shadows will be easy to keep in no worries on that front and I'll try and keep to the coloring scheme you have in mind although it might contrast a lot with the Team9000 logo, should that be the case I can change the coloring scheme in Illustrator to match what the actual logo has.
that is much better then what I had in mind.
The initial image you made was good too. Matched the concept sketch more precisely. I just happened to remember I had a font that would look neat with those letters, and got a little inspired.