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anyone that's been banned unreasonably read this thread


New Member
have you been banned unreasonably by the team9000 mods? Like Griefing? H8 KelseyB and her cuntacular attitude? whatever your pleasure, please come on over to reddit where we can plan a grief mob and/or DDOS attack, etc etc.

stand for what is right or just get your rocks off, i don't care...i've just got a bone to pick and want to use you!

anyway, post in this thread on reddit.com and if you dont have a username just register because reddit is awesome....has a dedicated minecraft section and only takes 3 seconds to register "(without email)"

Like griefing and/or Banned by unscrupulous team9000 admins? come in here : Minecraft

Thanks for the mature attitude.
Hope you have a fun time not on our servers or forums.
what, you dont think organizing an attack on a minecraft server which will involve hours of griefing doesnt sound like fun?

i mean, not all of us can drive 160 miles an hour naked in a ferrari doing coke and getting blowjobs Guite, but i think i have plenty of fun.

So i'm just gonna assume you're down, Guite? Glad to have you!
I don't know which scenario is more pathetic - that you're a punk teenager with a lot of misplaced rage and hormones, or you're actually an adult with a severely distorted sense of justice.

Whichever it is, I hope you realize someday the foolishness of this endeavor, and how IT DOESN'T MATTER in the end.

It's a game. You were found unable to play by the rules. Move on with your life, son.
No, I don't think that is fun, and I don't think you could do it for hours anyway.
bigheadzach: i don't know which scenario is more pathetic - my impromptu attack on a obscure minecraft server or the fact that you consider yourself to be a mature adult but then go on to unreasonably assume two scenarios about a person you've never met WHILE committing a logical fallacy of an A or B scenario that you made up (a fallacy any "reasonable" adult should be able to decipher).

How do you know i'm not some regular person with a creative edge that carries out these impromptu mission as an artform?

how do you know i'm not a social scientist guaging the reactions of a random populist ON said impromtu attack?

how do you know that i'm some disgruntled player that is TOTALLY JUSTIFIED in his anger due to situations that you've obviously never been a part of and/or have not read or heard about?

i'll give you a hint; i'm one of the three...i'm also bored....and even if your assumption was correct and i was acting immaturely or foolish, i'd take either over those over being a dumbfuck run of the mill spoon-fed white male that has no logical or reasonable bone in his body.

...but that's just an assumption and we've already gone over that, remember?
No, I don't think that is fun, and I don't think you could do it for hours anyway.

lol, because you're a computer expert....right?

anybody with access to google or have been around the 'nette for a year or two has the ability to. Your IP can be masked...your IP is dynamic....minecraft is anonymous and registration takes seconds.

that...and i'm a network admin and software engineer.

take your pick i guess?
Now who is the one assuming things? You totally did not get the intent of the last half of my statement. I know it is possible to mask your IP, etc. However, 99% of the time there are mods/admins on with powers to deter people such as you.
what happens when one fire ant climbs up your legs and stings you? Probably not much, a little pain followed by a flick.

what happens when a hundred-thousand fire ants do the same? hmm?

anyway, i think you're lending way to much credence to the situation. I'm just looking to occupy some time.
Personally, I'm touched that we are so important to his(or her) life that he(or she) must direct this much anger and devotion to us...

Really touched...
Ok. Well there are better ways to occupy your time.
Ya Ollee, I feel like we are getting somewhere.
The fact that you don't even know how to quote previous posts makes me doubt your ability to ddos.
Tbh if you even know what it stands for i'll be amazed.

Rules are there to be followed, kicking up this much of a fuss just shows how much you care < 3
The fact that you don't even know how to quote previous posts makes me doubt your ability to ddos.
Tbh if you even know what it stands for i'll be amazed.

Rules are there to be followed, kicking up this much of a fuss just shows how much you care < 3

i only quote when there's more than one person in the thread, ConroD....isnt that somewhat common sense

and what phpbb code or buttontry has anything to do with actual computer bzness is beyond me

NOT TO MENTION that anyone that has DOS and can PING can DDOS

for fuck sake there are a lot of wannabes here.
Why not just move on to another server? I don't get it.

And weren't you the guy that was creating words like fart and muff on the spawn wall a few guest worlds back? I remember betting someone at the time that you'd eventually get banned, and I guess I was correct.

Thanks ;)
... go on to unreasonably assume two scenarios about a person you've never met WHILE committing a logical fallacy of an A or B scenario that you made up (a fallacy any "reasonable" adult should be able to decipher).

Using the big words does not make you smart.

How do you know i'm not some regular person with a creative edge that carries out these impromptu mission as an artform?

Because you'd be selling tickets.

how do you know i'm not a social scientist guaging the reactions of a random populist ON said impromtu attack?

Because I'd ask to be paid first before being involved in a psychological experiment.

how do you know that i'm some disgruntled player that is TOTALLY JUSTIFIED in his anger due to situations that you've obviously never been a part of and/or have not read or heard about?

I agree with everything except the justified part. You lost your bargaining chip when you started slinging the ad hominems around. I particularly don't like your disrespect of women you've never met (speaking of assumptions). You have a long way to go in dealing with the opposite sex; that, or I can only guess that you were physically/sexually abused by a relative and now blame the world for your social inadequacies, in which case I have little sympathy.

i'll give you a hint; i'm one of the three...i'm also bored....and even if your assumption was correct and i was acting immaturely or foolish, i'd take either over those over being a dumbfuck run of the mill spoon-fed white male that has no logical or reasonable bone in his body.

...but that's just an assumption and we've already gone over that, remember?

So, you feel unfairly banned, therefore the appropriate response is to ruin it for hundreds of others who have enough self-respect and concern for others not to grief and be a douche taco?

Your internet-tough-guy act is so playbook it's almost crossed over from funny to downright annoying.

Just so you know, you're not getting the last word in this. You've shot the hostage by personally insulting everyone (including their intelligence), and all that's left is for the hypothetical authorities to move in.

All of this could have been avoided if you had taken this dispute to private messaging and acted like a goddamn grown-up. That's how I know A or B is true because an actual responsible adult wouldn't resort to idle threats because someone took his ball away.

You've stated your intent to harass us - and if someone (such as the server's ISP) decides to pursue legal action if they feel they've been violated by your so-called crusade, what's going to be your plea to save yourself from being someone's prison bitch?

"They banned me from playing a block-building game because I said bad words."

Are you kidding me?

You're not the first to brag about how many proxies you're behind, and if you're the computer genius you claim to be, you're wasting your life not doing it as a career (or, you're risking your career by publicly advertising to the world - and it doesn't get more internet-savvy than Reddit - that you're recruiting people to hack a server because someone said you broke the rules of decent human behavior).

You didn't even pay for the game. What a sad little king on a sad little hill you are. "Full of sound and fury, signifying nothing".
Bonethrasher, if you were banned there was a reason behind it.
You were cool rank so you should've known the rules.

Please find another way to vent your anger besides taking it out on innocent people, trolling the server and or trying to get a DDOS attack to happen, get over it.

Why not just move on to another server? I don't get it.

And weren't you the guy that was creating words like fart and muff on the spawn wall a few guest worlds back? I remember betting someone at the time that you'd eventually get banned, and I guess I was correct.

Thanks ;)

lol yeah i did that too....you gotta admit though, muff is a funny word. Good job with the bet, though...you will be spared. (whatever that means)