Ask a graffiti writer anything


Well-Known Member

So yeah, been doing it for 5/6 years by now, ask me anything, as i know there are many opinions on this, and i bet there are many questions, and of course controversial subject is controversial.
I'll try to answer everything, and I'll stay open to whatever is your opinion on the subject.

Also, let me put emphasis on the fact that i prefer illegal graffiti, especially "bombing" (tags, throwups, scraping, visual destruction of any surface)
I will restrain from using anything found on the internet (videos/songs excluded), and I'll be using only my own opinions and stuff from my experiences...

Only rule, keep your posts vaguely based around the topic :)

also keep the flames low
As a street muralist and fellow writer (I'm sure you understand the difference), I can't help but bring up the topic that often keeps me troubled.

How do you justify the strain on taxpayers, law enforcement, property values, and cleaning staff that you inevitably create as one of the results of your art? I use graffiti as a tool of communication, and as an outlet for my creative side, which conveniently also satisfies my thirst for destroying the societal confines set up by our corrupt lawmakers, and anarchy in general. I'm curious to hear your answer.
As a street muralist and fellow writer (I'm sure you understand the difference), I can't help but bring up the topic that often keeps me troubled.

How do you justify the strain on taxpayers, law enforcement, property values, and cleaning staff that you inevitably create as one of the results of your art? I use graffiti as a tool of communication, and as an outlet for my creative side, which conveniently also satisfies my thirst for destroying the societal confines set up by our corrupt lawmakers, and anarchy in general. I'm curious to hear your answer.
I don't think there really is any Justification for it . You just tend to not think about it, and when you do, just not care, suppose that's the main way of thinking for a writer, some may try to Justify it by saying it makes the city more colorful etc. but we all know that it's just vandalism really, unless you pull some of that superhero shit, and go all city with awesome pieces in public spots etc. as for the financial strain, it's quite obvious that the numbers they're putting out there, are quite fictional, and realistically cleaning up graff doesn't cost the billions they're saying it does...
Why do it? I can understand nice pieces of art, by why go to some random shop owner's building and write illegible words on it.
Why do it? I can understand nice pieces of art, by why go to some random shop owner's building and write illegible words on it.
fame.... I guess, well i suppose i might quote.... Skuf... I think, "Tags are like your soldiers, your spread them troughout the city and they're there for everyone to see, they're fast and easy to produce in massive quantities" it's not an exact quote but he said something along the lines... but yeah, main drive for a writer is fame between his peers (other writers) and that's pretty much it, not much thought goes into who's building your tagging, you just do it. Also it's fun, i'm pretty sure nothing tops the excitement you receive when "bombing"
Also i must add that, every guy doing a beautiful piece or a mural, started with tags and throwups, it's an inescapable part of the evolution of a graffiti writer...
I assume you're asking this because you've had this happen yo your place of business, well I can assure even writers don't like it when the apartment builder they're living in get's tagged, i'ts quite weird, but yeah, that happens :D
fame.... I guess, well i suppose i might quote.... Skuf... I think, "Tags are like your soldiers, your spread them troughout the city and they're there for everyone to see, they're fast and easy to produce in massive quantities" it's not an exact quote but he said something along the lines... but yeah, main drive for a writer is fame between his peers (other writers) and that's pretty much it, not much thought goes into who's building your tagging, you just do it. Also it's fun, i'm pretty sure nothing tops the excitement you receive when "bombing"
Also i must add that, every guy doing a beautiful piece or a mural, started with tags and throwups, it's an inescapable part of the evolution of a graffiti writer...
I assume you're asking this because you've had this happen yo your place of business, well I can assure even writers don't like it when the apartment builder they're living in get's tagged, i'ts quite weird, but yeah, that happens :D
I live in south florida, and it happens where I work all the time. It's gotten to the point where we keep security to keep people from doing it to our building.
I live in south florida, and it happens where I work all the time. It's gotten to the point where we keep security to keep people from doing it to our building.
i suppose you'r workplace is in a nice and accessible place, writers would usually look for a spot where their stuff would get noticed, but no-one would notice them...
if i find some of my recent stuff.... and special as in?
I can already say I am not a great artist, and due to lack of experience in piecing etc my can control isn't that great...

Like something you would stop and say "wow, this is actually pretty cool and original".
fame.... I guess, well i suppose i might quote.... Skuf... I think, "Tags are like your soldiers, your spread them troughout the city and they're there for everyone to see, they're fast and easy to produce in massive quantities" it's not an exact quote but he said something along the lines... but yeah, main drive for a writer is fame between his peers (other writers) and that's pretty much it, not much thought goes into who's building your tagging, you just do it. Also it's fun, i'm pretty sure nothing tops the excitement you receive when "bombing"
Also i must add that, every guy doing a beautiful piece or a mural, started with tags and throwups, it's an inescapable part of the evolution of a graffiti writer...
I assume you're asking this because you've had this happen yo your place of business, well I can assure even writers don't like it when the apartment builder they're living in get's tagged, i'ts quite weird, but yeah, that happens :D
-the "soldiers" people tag in local houses/buildings
Like something you would stop and say "wow, this is actually pretty cool and original".
Not really, no. I've never had the money to fund my hobby really, so grabbing a couple of cans and going bombing was really my only way, hence I don't really have any experience in piecing.
anyways, here's a few pics from my trip to Latvia in February...

BZR is the crew i'm reppin, altho it's not as much a crew, as just a bunch of friends
and you can guess what i'm writing
also i guess the yellow one is the closest to a piece i've ever gotten, and i'm amazed of how "well" it came out seeing how fucking high i was that night, and of course the cold and absolute darkness :D
Here's another one for you. A bit of backstory first. I'm not and never have been solely a writer. My pieces never consist of just my name, the tag has always been more of an afterthought - a signature. Very rarely do I incorporate it fully into the piece.

So my question to you is: why just the tag? You obviously have some skill, I daresay more than myself since I'm very much out of practice. You'd probably do very well if you moved up to actual scenes and full-on murals. Why haven't you?

Also, do you usually go with a crew or are you more of a solo writer? I've personally preferred going solo, or with someone who acts as both a critic and a lookout (since my pieces usually end up taking over an hour).
Here's another one for you. A bit of backstory first. I'm not and never have been solely a writer. My pieces never consist of just my name, the tag has always been more of an afterthought - a signature. Very rarely do I incorporate it fully into the piece.

So my question to you is: why just the tag? You obviously have some skill, I daresay more than myself since I'm very much out of practice. You'd probably do very well if you moved up to actual scenes and full-on murals. Why haven't you?

Also, do you usually go with a crew or are you more of a solo writer? I've personally preferred going solo, or with someone who acts as both a critic and a lookout (since my pieces usually end up taking over an hour).
It's fun ;D similar to a piece, there's quite a lot you can do with a tag, my friend for example, I'd say he has one of the wildest and most creative tags in the world (even tho he wouldn't admit it)

I've never been much of an artist, like I say the only thing I can do is letters, but i am actually starting to move in the direction you've mentioned... will I get there... who knows...

I'm more of a solo writer, I loved the summer nights where i went out for 3-5 hour walks, with a couple of cans and a bunch of markers/mops and just took every spot i wanted, I'd usually go out of my house around 1am and return early in the morning... and i must say, the feeling of accomplishment is irreplaceable, not one night i regret. Saying that, it was also a time when i was in a deep depression, and that was the only thing during which i had my mind completely off of it..
Then again, it's quite fun going out with someone from my crew, there's much more dangerous stuff you can do when there's someone watching your back ^.^