
Well-Known Member
Ok, so my new rig is up and running. Now I need a new graphic card(s). I'm looking for a 1GB card or more, and depending on price, I might get 2.
If I get an ATI, I'd get to enable AMD Vision. If I get an Nvidia, well, idk. I don't know the GPUs much lol. I'm looking for something decent, and under 350$ if possible. Depending on how things go, I might raise my budget to 500$. I'd like to be able to play good games like BF3 for example, on higher than medium settings..
Go with either the Geforce 550TI or the Geforce 560TI, I am running the 560TI in my system, it has 1gb ddr5 ram, thing runs like melted butter on a hotplate.
I had always gotten the impression from my experience that nvidia was cutting edge in the industry. I know nothing about AMD vision though so I could be completely wrong.

For a 500 dollar price tag on the other hand an engineer suggested this graphics card to me. He said it was the best bang for your buck at that cost. When I build my monster it will likely be what I use.
What does Vision actually do? Seems like it's a software video enhancer.

Nvidia has 3D on like every card, and also there's NVIDIA 3D surround, which allows you to have 3 screens or more on 2 or more cards.

560Ti is the best bang per buck right now. If you have the cake, get a 580, if you're really caking, get a 590, and since it's a dual card, you won't need to SLi, and it will also be future proof for some time.
Hmm.. Yea, AMD Vision enchances a bit of everything. Nvidea I was thinking 550-590.. As long as it can play BF3 im happy.
where do you get all the moneyyyys D:
lets see.. I work 54 hours a week, I live with my mom, have nothing to pay besides food for work, and my cellphone bill, which is like 40$ a month.. lmao :)
ok, I kinda decided on GTX50 DoubleShot from EVGA. If not then the ASUS GTX580 ROG MAtrix, but i wont have the money for it by the time the 26th comes (bf3 night :D )