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as i said before; no mod based on bots can keep a player more than a month
(look at any zombie server; there might be 4-5 regulars; but 90% of the server will not stay for an extended ammount of time)

rofl thats wrong trust me.... look at this original zombie mod server the first ever one i used to be admin
so many ppl play there most of the time its hard to get on cuz its full :D
but yeah i say wc3 or superhero....... and some xp from our old accounts cuz i was lvl 20 and i payed 20-30 dollars for xp and other stuff so yeah

Hope that you get a good darkfx server up. :) was wonderin what maps you guys were on now... i haven't ceen your servers on any maps anymore :confused: :( Hope you could get back to me :)
When you wrote:
Anyways, I have three options, either
One Fully-Reset DFX-MOD server
One (actually working) DFX-SURF server
One server of a different variety (WC3, zombiemod, sh, etc)

He probably thought you meant you had 3 servers.
... how is that a good idea... at all!?!? there are currently 0/16 on dfx-mod, and 13/16 on dfx-surf! THATS HOW IT ALWAYS IS!
its a heap overflow problem im trying to get under control. i cant fix it until a new release of one of the amxmodx modules comes out -_-
I think that resetting and maybe setting the scoring system up the same way it was before, and getting rid of the deluxe skills may be the way to go, silent footsteps and unlimited ammo and larger clips just give those of us with levels of 20+ waaay too much of an advantage. Before the deluxe skills the 20+ level people weren't insurmountable for the lower level people.
I think you should stick with the dfx surf, being the one i play all the time. if you have the ip.s of the other servers plz post so i can try em out. ty :eek:
ii recently found a mod; insane zombie; where there is 1 team made of zombies (ts), with speed reduced gravity, a knife, nv, and 800 hp, and a team made of normal players (cts), able to buy anything but nv, flashes, smokes, and paras
(no bots)

ff was on; with no punishment other than kicking somone after 2 tks, i found this to be vital to the balance, (although reviving somone just to kill them agein was fun)

the mod disabled bomb planting, vip's ability to be saved, killed hosties, etc

the maps have to be edited manualy so that all lights were darker

cts started with 16000 and could purchase both t and ct weapons
a ct could buy 1 revive pack per round, hold 1 at a time, and a revived ct couldnt
the kit was put in inv in the form of a flash nade
cts could also upgrade their flashlights to be larger and colored (pointless, but interesting)

a t (zombie) could eat a killed ct, and regain 200 lost hp

the server was fairly popular (although people often stacked because a lot of maps were unbalenced and cheat detection was ****ed up)

camping became a commen tactic, humans rushing to a place they could hold off while the zombies took them apart, then the few who made it tryed to hold the bottle neck as zombies rushed, although in some maps it was insanly unbalenced depending on the ammount of players (when 18 people are spraying m4s down a ladder, 7200 hp worth of zombies die in seconds)

i think a zombie mod similar to this but better might work, with zombie and human experience