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New Member

having high-ranked friends on the server seems to really count, too bad, yesterday promoted, today banned:)

anyway, if you guys feel like unbanning me, please do....if not ...don't.

This ban was probably as a result of being sarcastic with Jerzey....it seems he was too crybaby and complained about me being bad in a discussion. Long story-short....he started to go all whining about his brother in law being shot, and i said that i think that's cool. (all this has happened after a looong chatting experience in which jerzey explained a few things about his superiority, value, sarcasm, irony in what concerns his behaviour towards us, lower ranked players).

I feel the need to repeat myself: if you guys feel like unbanning me please do, and check my info before taking it personal. I am playing this game for about 1 week an a few days, i got promoted from guest to builder in 3 days. i have about 50 hours of playing on this server(in a week). i am not playing for chatting, for arguing....but it is offensive when people act superior in a freakin' game. :)
With respect, yours theitanimuLLi.
You butted into a conversation that was none of your business. I will admit Parcel and I already had an argument. He and I have already moved past that, you however continue to be an all around douche. Yesterday I trolled Parcel, he takes his builder position way to serious, especially over caps, and then tried to tell me, that I basically shouldn't be an engineer or am not acting like one. Like you said this is a game, and he spazzed out over JerseyLegend (who is really Tshinotu145 who is an engineer) for using caps once in chat. Us higher ranked players come on and troll from time to time, just to have fun. If we can't have fun and play in a game, then where can we? Parcel proceeded to tell two engineers the rules, as if we didn't know... we are engineers, enforcers of the rules. derp.

Parcel may have faked by saying his brother was using or something, but that's whatever. The situation with he and I is already settled thanks to mdukey.

You on the other hand proceeded to continue with your inappropriate "sarcasm". BTW, its "offensive" to act superior, however, in-game, I am your superior. However you and Parcel Face tried to convey some sort "superiority" in game to a higher ranked player.

[2011-07-26 16:58:37] theitanimuLLi: 26 and acting superior in a game, wtf (this was after asking me my age)
 JerzeyLegend: k, time to close down the shop.
[2011-07-26 17:56:53] theitanimuLLi: he sells flowers
[2011-07-26 17:57:00] JerzeyLegend: lol
[2011-07-26 17:57:13] JerzeyLegend: i sell laptops, mac, desktops, cellphones,
[2011-07-26 17:57:13] > and
[2011-07-26 17:57:19] JerzeyLegend: consumer electronics and services
[2011-07-26 17:57:23] theitanimuLLi: stolen goods, thats nice
[2011-07-26 17:57:26] jeffman3: lawl mac
[2011-07-26 17:57:27] JerzeyLegend: stolen?
[2011-07-26 17:57:29] unholy_fox: so jerezey, you a mac or a pc guy?
[2011-07-26 17:57:36] JerzeyLegend: pc guy
[2011-07-26 17:57:38] unholy_fox: jerzey*
[2011-07-26 17:57:52] woodyou12: go pc!
[2011-07-26 17:57:52] jeffman3: I'm more of a... commodoe 64 guy.
[2011-07-26 17:57:58] theitanimuLLi: that's how they call the shoe salesman
[2011-07-26 17:57:58] > nowadays?
[2011-07-26 17:58:00] jeffman3: commodore, omg
[2011-07-26 17:58:21] JerzeyLegend: Jerzey doesnt steal, he uses his hard earned
[2011-07-26 17:58:21] > money
[2011-07-26 17:58:26] JerzeyLegend: to buy inventory
[2011-07-26 17:58:52] jns112: umm no
[2011-07-26 17:58:52] JerzeyLegend: no drug dealers dont work hard, the product
[2011-07-26 17:58:52] > sells
[2011-07-26 17:58:54] theitanimuLLi: you talk like my girlfriend, at the 3rd
[2011-07-26 17:58:54] > person
[2011-07-26 17:58:54] JerzeyLegend: itself
[2011-07-26 17:58:59] jeffman3: shhh!
[2011-07-26 17:59:05] jeffman3: >>
[2011-07-26 17:59:26] JerzeyLegend: drug dealers always end up dead.
[2011-07-26 17:59:37] JerzeyLegend: either use the product or get shot for it
[2011-07-26 17:59:40] jeffman3: I'm still here, aren't I? But I don't deal drugs.
[2011-07-26 17:59:44] jeffman3: I suppose you're right.
[2011-07-26 18:00:05] JerzeyLegend: my wife's brother was shot point blank
[2011-07-26 18:00:10] JerzeyLegend: with a 12 guage over drugs
[2011-07-26 18:00:19] jeffman3: D: That... Really sucks, man. Sorry for joking
[2011-07-26 18:00:19] > about
[2011-07-26 18:00:22] jeffman3: it. =/
[2011-07-26 18:00:46] theitanimuLLi: where was he shot?
[2011-07-26 18:00:51] JerzeyLegend: in the stomach
[2011-07-26 18:01:02] theitanimuLLi: nice
[2011-07-26 18:01:09] jeffman3: Dude, at point blank a 12guage is an almost
[2011-07-26 18:01:09] > guaranteed
[2011-07-26 18:01:09] JerzeyLegend: nice?
[2011-07-26 18:01:10] jeffman3: kill shot
[2011-07-26 18:01:17] jeffman3: Even an arm, they chew it up so bad...
[2011-07-26 18:01:26] jeffman3: A fried of mine was out 4wheeling and a crazy guy
[2011-07-26 18:01:26] > came
[2011-07-26 18:01:33] theitanimuLLi: piercing on another level:))
[2011-07-26 18:01:34] jeffman3: up and took our buddy's arm.
[2011-07-26 18:01:43] Aidan_Rain: help with 3D sprite please!!!
[2011-07-26 18:02:12] JerzeyLegend: wow theitanimuLLi so you think its cool he
[2011-07-26 18:02:12] > got   shot
[2011-07-26 18:02:37] theitanimuLLi: yeah, but don't mind me, i think aids and
[2011-07-26 18:02:37] > STD's a
[2011-07-26 18:02:42] theitanimuLLi: also pedophillia
[2011-07-26 18:02:53] xXStingRayXx: block spam!
[2011-07-26 18:02:57] theitanimuLLi: but again, that's just me
[2011-07-26 18:03:05] JerzeyLegend: dually noted. That one is going in your
[2011-07-26 18:03:05] > permenant
[2011-07-26 18:03:06] JerzeyLegend: record
[2011-07-26 18:03:17] theitanimuLLi: good
[2011-07-26 18:03:18] jeffman3: Just ignore him, Jerzey. The internet is full of
[2011-07-26 18:03:27] jeffman3: uh, not... normal... people.
 JerzeyLegend: Alimber?
[2011-07-26 18:04:05] Alimber: Ohai!
[2011-07-26 18:04:16] JerzeyLegend: someone here thought it was cool that
[2011-07-26 18:04:16] jeffman3: ohai Alimber!
[2011-07-26 18:04:21] JerzeyLegend: my brother in law was shot
[2011-07-26 18:04:30] Alimber: Who?
[2011-07-26 18:04:35] theitanimuLLi: i
[2011-07-26 18:04:50] JerzeyLegend: ^ him
[2011-07-26 18:05:10] Alimber: Why the hell do you think that's cool.
[2011-07-26 18:05:19] theitanimuLLi: it was sarcasm
[2011-07-26 18:05:20] theitanimuLLi: :)
theitanimuLLi: i also stated
[2011-07-26 18:05:38] Alimber: Chatlog me jerzey
[2011-07-26 18:05:38] unholy_fox: sarcasm has a certain place and time.
[2011-07-26 18:05:46] theitanimuLLi: that he brought piercings on another level
[2011-07-26 18:05:51] JerzeyLegend: imma let it go
[2011-07-26 18:06:03] JerzeyLegend: cuz he's just trying to be like me
[2011-07-26 18:06:13] JerzeyLegend: only his sarcasm is on some wierd level
[2011-07-26 18:06:22] xXStingRayXx: :O
[2011-07-26 18:06:25] JerzeyLegend: lol

The log below was today, a whole day after the above incident. I haven't even had a chance to say anything.

Joined world Main
[2011-07-27 10:54:04] ---------------------------------------
[2011-07-27 10:54:04] Welcome to Team9000 Classic!
[2011-07-27 10:54:04] Your rank is engineer - Type /rules for help!!!
[2011-07-27 10:54:04] ---------------------------------------
[2011-07-27 10:54:06] 64hypershadow: DOES ANYONE KNOW WHERE THE FUDGE AIDAN IS?
[2011-07-27 10:54:36] ZammycatXC: Hello your Lordship... or lady, i dont know you
[2011-07-27 10:54:41] Zeppflyer: <Bows before Jersey>
[2011-07-27 10:54:45] darkendurance: lordship
[2011-07-27 10:54:48] JerzeyLegend: lol
[2011-07-27 10:54:51] ZammycatXC: Lordship!
[2011-07-27 10:54:56] DeLaOras: someone did penises on the  trees
[2011-07-27 10:54:56] JWNoctis: Hello Jerz.
[2011-07-27 10:55:06] theitanimuLLi: jerzey, someone has drawn a portrait of u on
[2011-07-27 10:55:07] JerzeyLegend: hello people i don't know
[2011-07-27 10:55:10] theitanimuLLi: these trees
[2011-07-27 10:55:18] JerzeyLegend: here we go.

Sarcasm or no sarcasm, you took it to a personal level. If you were trolling me or something, I wouldn't even care as its been done to me, but you....

Like you said. This is a game. Had you just mind your own business, this would have not even happened in the first place. Even if this behavior was provoked, by your comments there is some underlying characteristics in which deem you not worthy of the rank you hold.
those were hats, on top of trees:)

i didn't complain of you being superior, you complained about me being sarcastic:), think about it, stop being a grown-up-child acting like a spoiled kid, with high ranked friends:) ...
advice: don't get to superior on others while playing minecraft, show your greatness outdoors, if you suffer of somekind of syondrome...amybe the megalomania syndrome LET OTHERS PLAY, don't brag about you being better, acting like a god in a world without one.

for me this subject is closed, you also are a closed subject for me, the only thing making me talk about this 'problem' of yours is the fact that i am banned because you have cooler and higher ranked friends ....that should be the subject you should brag about. instead of: i'm better than you kids, followers, etc...you should say something like I know 'awesome' ppl, i am the owner's best friend...or something like that.

i repeat for the 3rd time: if you guys feel like unbanning me, please do....if not ...don't.
Jerzey has said everything we need to say.

And your approach and attitude in this appeal proves banning you was the right thing to do.

Appeal denied.