best friends? =P


Well-Known Member

in the picture: Quazymoodo, creeper, Cathykiddo, Scooterboo, rsmv2you, Im3nuron
I would've liked to be in this, but I'm not cool enough.
Btw, I must've been late to the party.
WTF happened?!:dynamite:
Well, this wasn't meant to be a portrait of Team9000 members in general.

All those people I mentioned were Mumble regulars... 'Cept maybe me, but I'm incredibly awesome, so you need me there.
The portrait was of the main Mumble 'gang', but you missed out about 27% less coconut.

I am disappoint.
All those people I mentioned were Mumble regulars... 'Cept maybe me, but I'm incredibly awesome, so you need me there.
The portrait was of the main Mumble 'gang', but you missed out about 27% less coconut.

I am disappoint.
Yes, yes are you.