best way to take care of peeling skin


New Member
You make sure you put in your hands like that and now make sure right you know before this you did splash the water on your face I did and this time because I love to show you I did I wanted to check down by all now sweater so up you know first that is you do splash water on your face that if that pump up the Solvay get on your hands and thirst that day spell it gently put it on my face put the soap on your face like that and the fourth that the most important EA the pinky this is all you need guys we're going to use the pica it because it gives less pressure Lumagenex Chuck Bass so we're going to start with the keys on because that's what the most oily place so we're going to make a circular motion inside and out like back and even if you want to know put pressure on you can’t cut it's your pinky that's one of the reasons why you do this and the good thing this the I know it looks kind of funny guy but this is very important because you do it with your pinky.