Let's see what a REAL gaming community thinks:

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Well-Known Member
So, theescapistmagazine is holding a contest. Just like every year. It is now the final round of this contest, and there are only two developers left.

BioWare, I was not surprised to see on top. Having stood tall for 15 years (first game release in 1996), and releasing such hits as Mass Effect and Dragon Age. They've released a total of 20 games and currently have 3 in development. One of these games in particular, Star Wars: Old Republic, I am stoked for.

Valve made it to the semi-finals, and I was hoping to see an epic neck-and-neck showdown between the two. However, Valve was trampled by an unexpected newcomer: Mojang AB.

Don't get me wrong, I love Minecraft. I found T9K through Minecraft, and as of right now, I don't really play much else. However, this is just wrong. Mojang hasn't released a single complete game, and can hardly be considered a game development company at all!

Malinax, I know this is normally your place, but I'm gonna steal the spotlight for a minute.

Minecraft isn't even a real game! It's a BETA and quite honestly, shows no possibilities of ever being a real game. It has no goal, the player has no purpose, Notch has stated that he's having trouble finding a purpose/storyline/anything to resemble a goal, it is completely and totally a sandbox game in every sense of the phrase. The main sense being, of course, that it is still in development-the sandbox stage.

Mojang AB has begun development on a second game, Scrolls, which looks to be a TCG ripoff of Magicka and Halo Wars. I can't really specify anything further about the new game, because they haven't said anything. Kinda useless.

AS OF RIGHT NOW: BioWare has 40% of the votes, and Mojang AB takes the other 60%.

Someone, please, fix this before it's too late and Notch gains another laurel for his lazy ass!
I would say Capcom since they've made my favorite titles like Monster Hunter, Street Fighter, DMC, Soul Calibur, and last but not least Megaman.

But I still voted Bioware anyway cuz they deliver consistently good games over and over again like MDK and whatever mentioned by Gurw.

And yes i agree, Mojang is a newbie and though minecraft rocks, it has yet to deliver any real substance that I would enjoy in the future. I find them uber lucky that they are working with Notch. And Mojang i feel that they are not working hard enough, there's too many bugs, the game crashes every 10 minutes, all the new content is makes things crash, theres not enough content given despite so many months have passed, and Notch looks like ShayTard.

I guess people are just too unappreciative of whatever good has been put out and just decide whatever's popular at the present moment... like Justin Bieber (please remove from music industry)

If Mojang actually wins... that is totally unfair and complete bullcrap. Capcom should be on the throne... Bioware should end up under Valve and people should stop really stop littering in my area.

On a side note. The Joker should be #1 on top 100 villans list of all time. Not Queen of Blades so gahh help me I rip the skin off yer face.



Looks like i'm


Bioware for sure, as for Magic saying the queen of blades shouldn't be on the villans list, I say screw you and play some starcraft.
The best part of starcraft is online play and the QOB has no place in it :yarly:
The story is amazing, albeit the mission in the first one weren't exactly... fun... or creative... or anything even remotely groundbreaking, the lore behind it all is top notch :notchface: