Brain Ammo | Fast Memory, Rapid Learning


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You didn't hold him to just Serb write your hands closely together like this no answer connected other neurons very specific way and they’re not connected like this they are separated by a junction & Net Brain Ammo an junction is called the Senate ape so synapse is aware the action takes place and I want again it's the axe on wonder on connecting to the dendrites in the next hour on so I appear in these down rides are getting information from act signs that come from other areas that make sense so what we want to look Brain Ammo antis this junction right here and what interesting about that John hen when we think about visual system neurons in the eye come back here departed the diencephalon makes synapse is with the next moron and the chain and then baton Ron is the one that projected acts on area 17 connecting with those neurons does that make sense.
Clearly synapse tool module connector joint knuckle ball has a mean googly twisted sister is a good band from the '80s however we are going to take it mystery gone to places called Neverland military complexes running with brain waves multifunctional cross-collateralization words make sense when read drunk to be sure Peter Pan Peanut Butter makes for delicious sandvich says the heavy in TF2 whats most interesting is that white bread can sometimes be called Bimbo bread frog the wet sprocket mr bojangles is really a girl to traverse the road turtle chicken coop tomato soup dippity doop I just went poop.