Bunday is great, celebrate it!!


Well-Known Member
i know bunday was yesterday, but this had to be created...
So then without no further a due, in the memory of my cute lil wabbit, bunday thread is now officially open.
there are some rules tho:
-post only bunny pics (bunny girls will do, tho don't go overboard with them)
-no pony pics(no! ponies are not bunnies)(bunnies from mlp does count, as long as it's about the bunny)
-no cat pics(leave that for caturday)
-no off topic conversations/derailment of thread, this is a place for peace love and bunnies
-no memes unrelated to bunday
-post pics every bunday, please keep this in mind, I want this to be special x3
also, bunnies!​
i know bunday was yesterday, but this had to be created...
So then without no further a due, in the memory of my cute lil wabbit, bunday thread is now officially open.
there are some rules tho:
-post only bunny pics (bunny girls will do, tho don't go overboard with them)
-no pony pics(no! ponies are not bunnies)(bunnies from mlp does count, as long as it's about the bunny)
-no cat pics(leave that for caturday)
-no off topic conversations/derailment of thread, this is a place for peace love and bunnies
-no memes unrelated to bunday
-post pics every bunday, please keep this in mind, I want this to be special x3
also, bunnies!​

Thanks for that fair provision.



to be honest my bunny never really like carrots "that" much, apples and all kinds of other sweet stuff, that's what she went crazy for :D