Bungie's New New Game! (That isn't Halo)


Well-Known Member
As part of Bungie's 20th anniversary they released a video called "O Brave New World." Towards the end of the video they dropped some hints about this new game, Codenamed "Tiger". The game is supposedly going to be a First Person MMO set in space, and the possible title of "Destiny" has been thrown around, but these details are still not confirmed.

Here is some of what is believed to be concept art fot this new game:


The Image above is rumored to be the logo of the game.

Hmmm! Very interesting. Given Bungie's history with excellent community support, an online MMO seems a very good thing for them to be doing. Hopefully some more info will be given before E3 next year.
If it IS in fact going to be an MMO then chances are it might be exclusively for PC unless they can get a console to support an mmo.
please please PLEASE let it release on xbox... i havnt used my xbox in a long time...

if it does come out for pc, i hope it's mac compatible, or else im gonna get bootcamp asap