Call of Duty: Black Ops


Well-Known Member
I think I'm going to jump on the bandwagon with this one... who else is getting it?

Also, I think I'm going to get it for 360.
I was pretty sure I wasn't going to buy it. But then I read all the features, coop, splitscreen online with the ability to play with a guest.. all the customization.. wow. good stuff. I bought Medal of Honor on release day, and I think it's great, but if they don't start supporting it (nerfing the snipers).. i'll have to sell it eventually.
i'm gonna take a pass on this one, lots of games coming out that i'm more interested in (ps made by the same peeps who made world at war)
I totally would, but I am unable to at the moment. And I would almost buy it just because it has a zombie mode. That was so awesome in WaW...

Oh, and the reason I haven't been on lately is because I've been busy with school work, trying to get a job, and.. playing some other games. Come on, ACII and Mass Effect (1.. and 2... 30+ hours... in 3 days...) are worth it!

Should get back on sometime though. Hopefully soon, got some ambitious stuff to make!
people that say "oh it's just another WaW" , are retarded.. because they never say MW2 is another "Modern Warfare". Really there's no huge difference in the games, just the additions to them
This is a solid release for the series, but it hasnt blown me away like cod 4 did back in the day.
I havent decided if i like the money based unlock system or not.
But all in all, i have not major complaints, and it is much better than medal of honor.
I saw that earlier today as well, Good stuff.
I am playing black ops right now in fact, it turns out the AK74u appears to be the best gun thus far. It is sad but true :(. Super fast mobility and fire power, plus i have seen people toss a noob tube on it.
This reminds me how awesome Turok was on the N64, it had dinosaurs in it. Beast wars for PS1 was even better, it had transforming dinosaurs! Gaming nowadays suck because it lacks dinosaurs.

This makes me want to bust out the ol N64 emulator so i can relive my Turok days. Fond memmories.
This COD thread has been derailed by dinasaurs.
Floating apples? No dinosaurs?
I can't even believe I CONSIDERED this piece of garbage. And that is being nice.
I actually really like Black Ops... great zombie additions for one, the combat training is very fun with you and a friend fighting 9 veteran A.I.'s that act like players, the online is a little sketchy but what do you expect haha and the campaign was trippy to say the least. =) I thought it was worth getting. Also Kabbage! I have that picture as my wallpaper on my desktop! I put it there about a year and a half or more ago and havnt changed it...