

New Member
Anyone interested in collaborating? Mainly Gmod, no MC sorry, but some rules.

You have to be mature, be a teen (age preference 16 and up) be talkative and funny.

DO NOT be impatient, it annoys us and i literally kicked 2 people out of our group for that matter.

Decent mic and internet connection etc etc, i'm just making it quick and simple.

Here is our YT channel if you wanna get to know most of us a bit more -

If you are interested then contact me on Skype: C3_Vengeance so i can listen to that lovely voice of yours and get to know you better and vice versa (except the voice part for me)

Again quick and simple, for more info contact the skype name provided.
Anyone interested in collaborating? Mainly Gmod, no MC sorry, but some rules.

You have to be mature, be a teen (age preference 16 and up) be talkative and funny.

DO NOT be impatient, it annoys us and i literally kicked 2 people out of our group for that matter.

Decent mic and internet connection etc etc, i'm just making it quick and simple.

Here is our YT channel if you wanna get to know most of us a bit more -

If you are interested then contact me on Skype: C3_Vengeance so i can listen to that lovely voice of yours and get to know you better and vice versa (except the voice part for me)

Again quick and simple, for more info contact the skype name provided.
Quick question, why are you advertising for your youtube channel on this site, seeing as you are pretty much unknown to the entire community, and have no social ground for it to be 'somewhat ok'?
Quick question, why are you advertising for your youtube channel on this site, seeing as you are pretty much unknown to the entire community, and have no social ground for it to be 'somewhat ok'?

Advertising? I'm asking if anyone want's to collab and they don't have to go there that's just a point of reference and i have been on the forums, you do not speak for everyone.
Quick question, why are you advertising for your youtube channel on this site, seeing as you are pretty much unknown to the entire community, and have no social ground for it to be 'somewhat ok'?
To be fair, his youtube is rather what introduced him into the community, and is probably why he's here.

He spends a lot of time making youtube videos, and he just asked if anyone if they wanted to collab. Everyone already knows his youtube, as he was involved in a further incident and decided to stick around.

No need to jump down the guy's throat.
Well, everyone here is 13 and up for one, so no need about worrying you might attract children. Two, all of us use mumble, so if you want to chat, you would have a better chance of hopping in our mumble server and talking there as we are all old people who don't want to change our ways. Third, while you probably did not mean for it to be this way, your post came off a bit advertisy, which this community is kind of against (We used to have the biggest minecraft classic server out there, so we had a lot of people stopping by advertising). This means be ready for a people coming in here a bit offset. Finally, if you want us to join you, you can't just say hi and then ask us to join you, you have to come introduce yourself and mingle, get to know people, then we might be more forward, otherwise we're just a bunch of skeptical old farts.

I know you didn't mean to "advertise" and while wooty may or may not have a problem with this post, I know that you are talking about us playing games with you for your videos, not joining you or leaving this community or whatever crazy shit might be thought up, which some people might misconstrue as what you are insinuating. However, keep in mind that at the same time, playing video games together is what we are all about and why we are a part of this community, so if we are going to do that, we will use the tools this community provides and keep it here, not somewhere else.

tl;dr I know you are legitimately trying to be nice, but some people won't understand that so expect them coming in here and flaming a bit. If you want to collaborate, hop in our mumble channel as there are always people in there that love playing video games and I am sure you will find someone willing to play with you, but most of us won't use skype, because that's what mumble is for. Mumble is also better.

Sorry about that really long tl;dr! Feel free to message me if you have any questions, or hop in mumble and ask anyone of us. Stop by, play some video game, and/or chat. We're all here to have fun!
Well, everyone here is 13 and up for one, so no need about worrying you might attract children. Two, all of us use mumble, so if you want to chat, you would have a better chance of hopping in our mumble server and talking there as we are all old people who don't want to change our ways. Third, while you probably did not mean for it to be this way, your post came off a bit advertisy, which this community is kind of against (We used to have the biggest minecraft classic server out there, so we had a lot of people stopping by advertising). This means be ready for a people coming in here a bit offset. Finally, if you want us to join you, you can't just say hi and then ask us to join you, you have to come introduce yourself and mingle, get to know people, then we might be more forward, otherwise we're just a bunch of skeptical old farts.

I know you didn't mean to "advertise" and while wooty may or may not have a problem with this post, I know that you are talking about us playing games with you for your videos, not joining you or leaving this community or whatever crazy shit might be thought up, which some people might misconstrue as what you are insinuating. However, keep in mind that at the same time, playing video games together is what we are all about and why we are a part of this community, so if we are going to do that, we will use the tools this community provides and keep it here, not somewhere else.

tl;dr I know you are legitimately trying to be nice, but some people won't understand that so expect them coming in here and flaming a bit. If you want to collaborate, hop in our mumble channel as there are always people in there that love playing video games and I am sure you will find someone willing to play with you, but most of us won't use skype, because that's what mumble is for. Mumble is also better.

Sorry about that really long tl;dr! Feel free to message me if you have any questions, or hop in mumble and ask anyone of us. Stop by, play some video game, and/or chat. We're all here to have fun!
The Tl;dr was almost as long as the post, :facepalm:

It feels like it's been forever since these were used... Seeing that is so nostalgic.
I know, but I stopped caring when I realized I would have to put more effort in effectively summarizing what I wrote than what I actually wrote.
Not a huge fan of mumble but i will get it if need be, also it was a short and quick so i didn't want to give you so much info in your face.
Not a huge fan of mumble but i will get it if need be, also it was a short and quick so i didn't want to give you so much info in your face.
We use a customly designed version of Mumble, discussed here:

It was made by Wooty to be significantly less derp, started out as what a regular client connected to, and extended to have its own client. You might not hate it as much.
I would be totally on this boat and well out to sea, seeing as I own Gmod.
I've been told by my sister that I'm missing a very important component that allows me to play all of those totally rad things those hella rad gamers play. Which she told me after I'd spent all my money.
I also have a pretty hefty week-by-week schedule while working and studying.
I have been meaning to do lets plays for who knows how long but I am 1. lazy as hell when I get time to myself and 2. Only have games like Doom, Decent and more recently Hotline Miami, Goat Simulator and a couple classic games I dug out of a box.
I would totally be up for a collab' if I knew what kinda times you guys aimed on recording plays.
fyi I am one of them there elusive creatures from the land down under, so my presence is erratic.
Things I could totally bring in? Well, since I just did a cert' in editing and after effects I could totally add to your quality of video output and those openy-closey things in the episode. I also own a headset, so mic quality would be A+. My computer is pretty rad, needs a few graphics cards updates but that's an easy fix that can be done quickly.
So, I guess if I'm to your standards, I guess more discussing is in order?
I would be totally on this boat and well out to sea, seeing as I own Gmod.
I've been told by my sister that I'm missing a very important component that allows me to play all of those totally rad things those hella rad gamers play. Which she told me after I'd spent all my money.
I also have a pretty hefty week-by-week schedule while working and studying.
I have been meaning to do lets plays for who knows how long but I am 1. lazy as hell when I get time to myself and 2. Only have games like Doom, Decent and more recently Hotline Miami, Goat Simulator and a couple classic games I dug out of a box.
I would totally be up for a collab' if I knew what kinda times you guys aimed on recording plays.
fyi I am one of them there elusive creatures from the land down under, so my presence is erratic.
Things I could totally bring in? Well, since I just did a cert' in editing and after effects I could totally add to your quality of video output and those openy-closey things in the episode. I also own a headset, so mic quality would be A+. My computer is pretty rad, needs a few graphics cards updates but that's an easy fix that can be done quickly.
So, I guess if I'm to your standards, I guess more discussing is in order?

Times to record? Pretty much anytime we are free, seeing it's summer. I use Sony Vegas for our videos but sometimes i get those lazy days and just add jump cuts. Contact me on skype or steam Same names C3_Vengeance for my steam name i have some extra characters (месть 복수) but that's for Dota. I got the same picture on steam that i have here.
i hope so, some clients are so laggy and it frustrates me. Nice pic btw did you make that on rinmarugames?
I did, I also briefly and inadvertently caused a wave of people to create versions of themselves as well. There's still a few with them.
I make my own avatars in an obscure program you've probably never heard of. PhotoShop. And in this case, Instagram.
Would participate, as it would give essentially free publicity to my channel, which I'd like to grow. >.>; Problem is I don't want my channel to start prominently being gmod, so I'll pass.