Can I get some feedback on my website in progress :)


Can I get some feedback on my website in progress plz :) I'm making a website for a grass cutting company ill be starting up and running in the summer. The website is still in progress, I don't really have the pages set up yet, just the basic outline of them so far.


Positive and constructive criticism please :) thank you.
... Does the Index.html load? Or does it keep playing the stupid flash animation? Because on my dad's computer ( what I'm currently on ) ... it shows in the url that it redirects to index.html ... but yet it keeps playing the flash animation...

(he uses IE)

On my computer ... and the computers at school, it works as it should (redirect to index.html which is a totally different page)

(I use FF)

.... >.<!

EDIT: And surprisingly it redirects to the correct index.html on my phone as well O.O
I agree... definitely intense for a lawn care service. You should probably put some more content though. It's so empty.
Personally I would have chosen a different color scheme and what-not considering the type of service that you will be providing. That entrance flash thing really just doesn't work well with the lawn care service. Maybe something more professional like pictures of your work with some text of your motto or something. Hope this helps :)

I have been studying Web Design so if i sound like a college kid analyzing it's cause I am :P